Chapter 2414


In business, it was natural for businessmen not to want to be in conflict with other corporations.

“If the Barlow family’s business suffers any losses because of this in the future, the Reed family should be able to cover them. After all, our two families can also have some business deals. Reed group is working on a real estate project recently. If you’re interested, you can join us,” said Jason.

Philip Barlow stared at Jason thoughtfully. Moments later, he smiled and said, “Okay, I’ll start making arrangements. I should be able to give you the answer you want in a few days.”

Grace was relieved to hear it. When she wanted to get her daughter to go back to the hotel, she found that her daughter had fallen asleep while leaning on William.

Kids fell asleep so quickly!

Grace stepped forward and bent over to pick up her daughter.

However, Jasper Reed’s two small hands were grabbing William’s small arm and holding it tightly. It was impossible to pull them apart.

but William said, “aunt Cummins, don’t wake Jasper up, okay?” The little one’s pleading eyes made Grace a

Chapter 2414


child if she

Jasper sleep here tonight? The kids haven’t seen each other for a long time. I heard they

slightly, feeling as though someone was about to steal the precious treasure

older now. It’s inappropriate for them to sleep

only six. They’re not that old,” said Philip Barlow.


sleeping Jasper seemed to sense something and

felt a pang in her heart. She looked up at Philip Barlow and said, “Then… sorry for any

Barlow smiled. “Don’t mention it. I think William will

hand and said, “Alright, let’s go back to the hotel first. We’ll pick up

replied Mick Reed. Before he left, he looked at

Chapter 2414

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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