Chapter 2417

“Okay,” the little one muttered in reply.

Once Philip Barlow left the room, William looked at the tiny sleeping figure next to him. He murmured, “Jasper, don’t stop. liking me, okay? Don’t let anyone else take my place. I’ll be a great person one day, I promise!”

As he spoke in his childlike voice, it sounded as though he was making an oath.

Kyla and Martin Weiss dined in the hotel restaurant with Grace

and Jason.

Looking at Mick, who was eating quietly, Kyla asked, “Where’s Jasper? Didn’t she come to Deer City?”

“She’s at the Barlow family’s house. We’ll pick her up there later,” said Grace. She then told Kyla about the installation of surveillance cameras and the investigation of the attending doctor she had mentioned to Philip Barlow at the Barlow family’s house yesterday.

you, Grace,” Kyla said gratefully.

it,” said

Chapter 2417

wanted to go to the

nothing could happen to


“Have you really forgotten your feelings

I have?” Martin Weiss asked.

“Such unforgettable feelings were gone in the blink of an eye. Don’t you ever feel like

both gone through hypnosis, so one could say that they

what are you trying to say?”

so-called hypnosis is just self-deception. You’ll only forget your feelings temporarily. There’s still a possibility that when you recall them, your yearning will be stronger. When I

Weiss was

when another man appears by Kyla’s side after divorcing her? Are you sure you won’t regret forgetting your feelings for her and giving the opportunity to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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