Chapter 2435

Amber Mitchell’s lifeless eyes instantly seemed to burst with hope. Her lips quivered as tears quickly filled her eyes. “Okay… I… will cooperate. I will… cooperate!”

Right as she was done speaking, large teardrops rolled down Amber Mitchell’s cheeks.

Grace took out a tissue and wiped away Amber Mitchell’s


Judging from the conversation earlier, Amber Mitchell must be

at least partially conscious.

Moments later, Amber Mitchell asked in a mutter, “Is Kyla…


“She’s doing well. She started a store, her son is now in primary school, and she’s pregnant with her second child. Her second child will be born soon, and her wrongful conviction. has been overturned as well. The real perpetrator has been

punished,” said Grace.

Amber Mitchell listened with a flash of comfort in her eyes.

Then, she whispered, “That’s good…”

Chapter 2435

have a good rest. You’ll be


get to the doctor’s place. There’ll be many things to


Mitchell nodded and slowly

the hem of her dress tightly. She knew this was her

last chance.

this opportunity no

in the Mitchell

asleep, received a phone call from

mansion’s head of

impatient at first, she felt her head buzz and explode as soon as they told her


gone? How could she be gone?”


checking,” the person on the

line said.

Don’t we have a security system? Don’t we have someone watching the surveillance around the clock? Aren’t

Chapter 2435


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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