Chapter 2438

“Why don’t you take Mick back to the hotel first? I’ll stay here,” said Jason.

Grace shook her head. “I’d feel better if I stay here. Why don’t

you ask your men to take Mick back to the hotel to rest first?”

“That works,” said Jason. Then, he instructed a bodyguard to take Mick Reed back to the hotel.

However, when the bodyguard was about to take Mick Reed from Grace, the little one subconsciously squirmed into Grace’s arms and said with a hazy notion, “I want to be with


Looking at the way he was acting, Grace was afraid that

Mick would wake up if he was handed over to the bodyguard. Besides, he would probably refuse to go back to the hotel. alone if he woke up. “Forget it. Let’s just let him sleep here,”

she said.

Mick was still wrapped in a blanket anyway, so she was not

worried that the little one would get a cold.

“Why don’t I carry him so that it’s easier for you?” Jason asked.


Chapter 2438

me carry him.

I can hold him a little longer.” Her eyes looked tenderly

years of amnesia had wasted her time

years, she did not have a chance to hold

she cherished every chance she got to


scene in front of him quietly. He had known

would be a good mother from

somewhat different from the woman he

she got along with

distance between them seemed to

could not

no matter what

like how the sense of family between her, Jason, and their children was so strong that

Fortunately, she had set it to silent,

phone, which showed she was getting a call from

Chapter 2438


the call, Kyla

Amber Mitchell away from the mansion?”

froze. “How

reported it to the police. He also said that if we don’t hand Amber Mitchell over, the Mitchell family will sue us

said, “We do have something to do

conducting a preliminary mental evaluation on

time. I’ll let you

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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