Chapter 2442

Martin Weiss said as he held Kyla’s hand in one hand and took

out his phone in the other to make a phone call. “Get all the media you can contact now. Hurry. I’ll give you the specific address in a moment, but be quick…”

After finishing the call, Martin Weiss turned to Kyla who was still motionless and said, “Since you intend to make a scene, let’s make it a big one!”

Kyla only felt a surge of warmth flowing within her chest.

It was as if the man would always be there for her and handle everything for her no matter what happened.

When Kyla and Martin Weiss found Grace, the Mitchell family, the Gregory family, and the police were already there. The

two parties were locked in a stalemate.

Grace had Jason, Brian, and Martin Weiss’s men protecting her, but there were still too few people.

Besides, there were police officers there. The police warned

that they would arrest them right away and sue them later if

Chapter 2442

not get out of

was in the


family’s house, Louise Mitchell had

whom she saw at the party before this, was the wife of Emerald City’s famous Young master Reed!


while shouting fiercely, “I’m my sister’s guardian. I can tell you that no

the other hand, Grace was about to speak when

didn’t kidnap her! We’re saving her! I’m

on the Kyla and Martin

had come over.

side. “What are you doing here? I thought you were supposed to

I have to come.” She walked up to

Chapter 2442

she said, “I suspect that my friend Amber Mitchell was imprisoned and abused, so I hope the police will allow the doctor to give Amber Mitchell a preliminary evaluation. Barging in now will


your words. The police

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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