Chapter 2447

The speaker was the psychiatrist who had come out of the

room with Amber Mitchell.


There was an uproar when everyone heard the words.

If Amber Mitchell was not mentally ill, the Mitchell family would have forced a healthy person into a hospital as a mentally ill person. They imprisoned her in the hospital for so

many years.

It was tantamount to torture!

It would easily drive a normal person crazy!

“What nonsense are you talking about? Several well-known

doctors confirmed my sister’s mental illness!” Louise Mitchell


questioning my expertise? You can gather a team of leading specialists in psychiatry to evaluate Amber Mitchell again. We can find


in a dilemma when the

that. She could neither say agree

Chapter 2447


home and consult

said Louise Mitchell.

up to defend Amber Mitchell and said, “She can’t go back with you now. The Mitchell family has been. keeping her in the hospital as a

guardian!” Louise Mitchell stressed.

not mentally

are you taking her back to make her a

was like a fighter facing the

her best

Louise Mitchell glared

reached out their hand. It was missing a finger. Amber Mitchell held Kyla’s drooping


looking at her. Amber Mitchell’s pale face seemed even paler in the hospital lights, but the look in her eyes

Chapter 2447

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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