Chapter 2454

She and Jason had not left the hospital at the time. When she come to the emergency room after hearing the news, she saw Martin Weiss sitting there. A doctor was stitching up his wound, while Kyla was lying on the hospital bed beside him.

One of the doctors from the hospital was treating Kyla.

They were supposed to be in separate wards for two different


However, Martin Weiss was in the same ward as Kyla. One side of Martin Weiss’s cheeks was covered with blood, but his

eyes kept looking at Kyla.

It was as if he was not even worried about his injuries. He only worried about Kyla’s safety.


“The reporters who stopped you yesterday were fake. They were impostors. We don’t know what they want, but… it

probably has something to do with the Mitchell family,” said


“No matter who they’re linked to, I’ll find them,” said Martin Weiss. Although Deer City was not his territory, it was not difficult for him to do this. “What about Kyla? How is she?”

Chapter 2454

to return to Emerald City to

labor,” said


at that. “Sure enough, she’ll

She did not even care about what he

first thing she did when she woke up and saw me was to ask about how you’re doing. Kyla isn’t indifferent to you as you think she

his eyes. “Why are you telling me all this? Do you want me to feel something

froze. She had seen Kyla’s examination.

it was natural that Martin Weiss had seen

tacit understanding and told the doctor not to tell the patient about the need for another


but Kyla

the bill were

the most readily available choice.

Chapter 2454


already undergone a liver transplant, and the risk would be doubled if he were

Besides, with Martin Weiss’s feelings for

confident she could

to donate his

want you to know that Kyla has feelings for you. It’s just like how she’s willing to risk her life to have your

a man she doesn’t love?”

said to Grace, “I don’t care if

a woman who once hurt me like that? If I

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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