Chapter 2473

She was also missing a ring finger on her right hand.

As soon as the two reports were out, the Mitchell family and the mental hospital Amber Mitchell was previously admitted to instantly became targets of public criticism.

Many netizens went to Mitchell Group’s and the hospital’s official websites to comment and criticize them.

Someone even exposed the details of Amber Mitchell’s attending doctor online!


In the Mitchell family house’s living room, Mr. Mitchell slammed his phone on the floor. The internet was now full of insults against the Mitchell family, and he was called all sorts of nasty things. He was even accused of cheating and being an unrespectable, heartless, and unfaithful man. Some people said he planned the death of his first wife!

Mr. Mitchell was so mad as he had never been scolded in such a


Mrs. Mitchell was also furious. Due to Amber Mitchell’s affairs, the scandal about her identity as a former mistress had been, uncovered again. The obscene comments online were impossible to read.

Chapter 2473


as if they’re afraid they’re not gonna get a big scoop out of us. We need to

the Mitchell family. I should’ve let her die in the hospital! I’m going to teach her a lesson after what she has done! I’ll go


but we won’t question Sis.

furious. “What? Take

her own wounds. After all, no one can say

Mitchell’s statements immediately made

come back to their

happy. We should take her home happily,” said

Chapter 2473

and the storm calms down after


in our control? So what even if she has a few friends to help her? The Mitchell family and the Gregory family are still influential in Deer City. It’s not up to others to decide!” Louise Mitchell looked like she was in control

reporters at the entrance were the best witnesses.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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