Chapter 2483

“Don’t do humiliating things if you’re afraid of being humiliated.” George Gregory walked to the desk and sat down. “Did you come to my office at this particular time to ask me to help the Mitchell family?”

“I’m your wife, and we have a son together. Isn’t it natural that you help the Mitchell family and me?” Louise Mitchell said.

“Nothing in this world is natural, just like how it wasn’t natural when I married you,” George Gregory said coldly.

Louise Mitchell’s expression changed. “Are you blaming me for using my pregnancy… to get you to marry me?”

George Gregory did not answer the question but said

indifferently, “The Gregory family won’t do anything to help the Mitchell family now that you’re in such a state. It won’t be good for the Gregory family if we make a move.”

Listening to his cold voice, he only seemed to be analytically talking about the pros and cons of the matter!

Louise Mitchell felt a chill in her heart. ‘Does the man have to be

so indifferent even at this time? If the woman who married him had been Amber Mitchell, would he still be so indifferent if the Mitchell family was in trouble?’

Mitchell eventually

Chapter 2483


trouble, it’ll affect the projects that the Mitchell and Gregory families are

Gregory said nothing, apparently having anticipated the

be able to remain in Deer City’s high society? Everyone will probably laugh at him behind his back!

eyes narrowed, and the chill in his eyes intensified. “It’s true that the Mitchell family sent Amber Mitchell to a mental hospital when she wasn’t mentally

admitted it truthfully

he asked sharply.

of Mitchell Group’s shares. If my sister took over the company, how could my father, my mother,

Mitchell said.

Gregory’s heart sank. He

because of the

Chapter 2483


your heart, you still didn’t break off your engagement. I wanted to give you a way out and give myself a chance,” said Louise Mitchell. It even seemed as though she did everything for

mad. “I didn’t ask you

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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