Chapter 2486

George Gregory suddenly gasped. Even if Amber Mitchell did not continue, he could figure it out.


“She had someone cut off my finger. She flushed it and the ring down the toilet. She said, ‘Amber Mitchell, you’ll never get to wear another wedding ring!”” The smile on her lips grew wider, while her eyes were full of sarcasm.

George Gregory suddenly felt a severe tightness in his chest. ‘So, that’s… how she lost her finger!’

He had no idea about it!

He seemed to be full of anger and guilt. He was mad that Louise Mitchell would do such a thing to her biological sister, and he felt guilty as he could have saved her back then.

He would have found something if he had investigated carefully. However, he deliberately told people around him not to mention her in front of him.

Though he hated her for betraying him and for making him the laughing stock of Mason Swansonty, he had never intended for her to end up like that.

Amber Mitchell put her hand in front of George Gregory as if to make him see it more clearly.

Chapter 2486


myself? Do you think the Mitchell family didn’t do me wrong, and

my illness before I finally

a word. Her right hand seemed a

is justice! I want justice even if I have to break

take his eyes

I don’t want money. I just want to be together

her without hesitation back then, “Yes. Amber Mitchell, I’ll never marry anyone but you.”

broken his word in

wanted them to be together

going to get justice for herself.

on the phone. “Mom, don’t worry. George has promised to help the Mitchell

Chapter 2486


Mitchell can’t make a scene

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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