Chapter 2492


Brian said indifferently, “It’s a pity I’ve never really believed in oaths. Oaths are the easiest to break. You said you would sacrifice everything for me. Does that also… include your life?”

‘Huh?’ Whitney Cooper froze slightly before immediately saying, “Yes, that includes my life. Brian, it doesn’t matter if I lose my life for you. I would’ve lived a life worse than death if you hadn’t

saved me!”

“Really?” He looked at her, but his eyes were still indifferent as if her speech did not affect him at all. “Then pay me back with your life.”

Whitney Cooper was shocked. “What do you mean?”

“You’re no longer my private secretary from now on. I’m also withdrawing all the help I’ve ever given you. You have nothing to do with me from this moment onward.” In his opinion, he could take back whatever he had given her.

Whitney Cooper immediately turned pale. If he took it all back, she would have nothing left!

though he had paid off her family debt,

was to it.

she had a taste of luxury and

Chapter 2492


Grace because I… I was only looking out for you. I know I look a little like her, and I don’t mind being a substitute. I can even… undergo plastic surgery to

Brian interrupted her before she finished speaking,

looked like Grace to


fooling himself when he saw Grace

this so-called substitute was just him fooling himself

and walked to the entrance.

and hugged Brian. “Brian, don’t go! I was wrong. I won’t go look for Grace again. Please forgive me! I’m content as long as I stay

nothing?” he asked

could you have nothing? You’re the crown prince of the entertainment industry and the

coldly at the person in front of him and pulled

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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