Chapter 2504

“Yes, he intends to save Kyla-even at the risk of his own life,” said Jason.

Grace suddenly felt the urge to cry. It was like what Jay had said before. Martin Weiss would not stand idly by if Kyla was dying.

However, she did not expect Martin Weiss to resolutely lie on the operating room table at such a time.

Even if some love was forgotten due to hypnosis, a lot of it would have already been etched in the bones and blood. It was why Martin Weiss chose to save Kyla.

Grace and Jason waited outside the operating room. As time went by, Grace became increasingly nervous.

‘Will the operation be a success? Is Martin Weiss and Kyla going to be okay?

‘If Kyla is rescued but something happens to Martin Weiss, Kyla will probably be unhappy in the future. After all, Kyla’s greatest wish is for Martin Weiss to live a good life.’

Sometime later, even Mrs. Corbyn had returned to the waiting area outside the operating room door. The operating room door finally opened, and the doctor walked out from inside..

how’s my daughter?” Mrs. Corbyn hurried forward and

Chapter 2504

After she returned, Grace had told her that Kyla was having a liver


because the sooner the liver transplant was performed, the lower the risk of the other organs in Kyla’s body being

is successful, we need to continue observation after the patient

was finally

“What about Martin Weiss? How is he?”

to recuperate his body. He should

relief, hoping Martin Weiss could survive

Miss Corbyn that he donated his liver to her. He doesn’t want her to know, so he hopes those in the know can

at each other, not expecting Martin Weiss to not let Kyla

wheeled into the isolation wards. Kyla required 72 hours of

Chapter 2504

required only 24

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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