Chapter 2512

“Why would those doctors suddenly change their statements? Have they been in contact with anyone else?” Amber Mitchell asked urgently.

“There was a food poisoning incident at the detention center, so they were all taken to the hospital for tests,” the lawyer said.

Amber Mitchell’s heart sank. They might have met someone there and negotiated the terms, which was why they suddenly changed their statements.

Could George Gregory have done that?

George Gregory once said he would protect Louise Mitchell, so was this George Gregory’s plan?

“Is there no way to convict Louise Mitchell based on the evidence we currently have?” Amber Mitchell asked.

The lawyer said, “It’s difficult unless there’s new evidence. I’m sorry. Grace asked me to help you before she left Deer City, but I haven’t been very helpful.”

Amber Mitchell said, “No, you’ve helped me so much already. Thank you, Lawyer Gan. I’ll try to work things around. Perhaps there’s a way to turn things around.”

got up and walked out of the law firm. She

Chapter 2512



me about my brother’s

involved have changed their statements in the lawsuit against the Mitchell family. The lawyer just told me that

innocence. If you’re looking to me to help you get her convicted, you’ve come to the wrong guy.

for me but Herman!” Amber Mitchell corrected.

narrowed. “What

and released, it’ll be difficult to bring her to justice if she goes abroad.” Amber Mitchell took a deep breath and took out a photo.

a waitress. She looked to be about 27

of a woman named Sandra Lucas from the information you gave me before. One month after the accident, I happened to see this woman looking for Louise Mitchell at

Chapter 2512


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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