Chapter 2529

George Gregory’s face darkened. “What’s the matter? Are you unhappy to see Louise Mitchell acquitted, so you’re finding ways to get Louise Mitchell back in jail? The police have already ruled the car crash as an accident. Louise Mitchell is still the Gregory family’s daughter-in-law. Do you know what your reckless. behavior will do to the Gregory family?”

“Is all you care about is the effects on the Gregory family?” Amber Mitchell snapped. ‘Am I disappointed? What’s there to be disappointed about? I should have known that George Gregory is such a person.’

“I’m only asking if you have to go through so much trouble? You can’t afford the consequences if you involve the Gregory family in this,” warned George Gregory.

Amber Mitchell replied without backing down, “Is there anything I can’t afford? At worst, I just have to give up my life! But what about you? Speaking of which, Herman was friends. with you. He died for no apparent reason, but you’re now warning me not to find out the truth about his death. George Gregory, is this how you treat your friends?”

“Herman Moss is no longer my friend. If he was my friend, he wouldn’t have gone behind my back and hooked up with you. How dare you say that now?” George Gregory said coldly.

“He has never done you wrong. You’re the one who’s been

Chapter 2529


he had wanted to do you wrong, he wouldn’t have come to say goodbye to me before going abroad!” Amber Mitchell said.

not care about being wronged and misunderstood, but she

a nice

not believe

you’d better drop this case immediately.

these years have passed, she’ll still have to pay for her crime! With

“There’s nothing I can’t do

voice rang. Daley Moss had

looked coldly at George Gregory. “If Mrs. Gregory is responsible for my eldest brother’s death and the Gregory family plans to protect her, the Moss family won’t be willing to take things lying

I have my eye on you, the Moss

Chapter 2529

said, George Gregory turned to

Amber Mitchell. “What did he

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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