Chapter 2540

“It’s never going to happen,” Jason interrupted Brian and slammed his body against the wall nearby. “Brian, even if you had recognized Grace sooner, Grace would still be mine.”

“Really?” Unwilling to admit defeat, Brian backhanded Jason and pressed him to the other side.

The next moment, the two men started fighting in the huge office.

When Grace reached the office after receiving a phone call, she saw Jason and Brian. One was sitting in front of the desk, while the other one was sitting on the couch. Their faces were bruised, and their hair and clothes were messy. It was obvious that they had had a bad fight.

The two men were surprised by her arrival, and Jason finally asked, “What are you doing here?”

Grace said, “The secretary said there were some ‘noises’ in your office but they didn’t dare to barge in, so I came to take a look. What are you-”

“Nothing, we were just exercising,” Jason smiled and said. “I’ll ask the driver to take you home first. Didn’t the doctor also tell you that the most important thing you should do is rest well to help the baby grow?”


Chapter 2540

but tell me why you started the fight,”

his thin

this, Grace turned to look at Brian. “Is


could not tell her the reason they fought no

simply kept silent.

know what’s on your mind. But it’s my idea to give birth to the baby. I

this baby

but he was aware of her

life. I’m actually glad that I have the chance to have this baby,” Grace said with a smile.

caressed her belly,

Chapter 2540

with motherly affection.


that it was probably useless no matter how much he said.

know what would happen to him if anything

want is for her to be alive and well?

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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