Chapter 2546

She was tired after going through so many things. She just wanted to spend the rest of her life in peace and keep those wonderful memories with Herman!


Amber Mitchell walked to a row of bookshelves in the room and looked at the books on the shelves. These were Herman’s favorite books, and she saw a book she once loved among them.

She was surprised to find the same book in Herman’s book collection. However, she found a photo tucked between the pages when she opened it.

It was… a photo of her and Herman!

In the photo, she was looking up and talking to Herman, seemingly about an interesting topic. She had a smile on her lips, while Herman listened with a gentle expression.

It was a photo of them together, but it was a photo that was taken secretly.

Amber Mitchell remembered that this photo was one of the first photos of her and Herman taken by the paparazzi, which later sparked rumors.

Herman had joked, “Speaking of which, we haven’t taken any photos together. These reporters had helped

Chapter 2546

they had never taken photos

Herman printed out this


indeed a photo


in the photo. The next moment, warm tears began

and wiped the

Knock! Knock!

of knocking rang. Amber Mitchell got up, walked to the door, and opened

asked us to discuss with you and try on some makeup. We can make the changes today if there are problems,”

replied Amber Mitchell.

assistants went in and got busy. They helped Amber Mitchell put on the wedding dress

Chapter 2546


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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