Chapter 2548


“As I said, I have no regrets. I survived because of Herman. I managed to survive the mental hospital because I kept thinking about how Herman wanted me to stay alive and well before he died. Otherwise, I would’ve killed myself long ago,” said Amber Mitchell as the sun shone on her face. Her eyes were calm as if she had gone through all the ups and downs.

She gently looked down at the memorial tablet she was holding. “I think I’ll cherish every day of my life more after I marry Herman. He wanted me to live well, so I’ll try my best to live well. After I pass away, I can tell him I didn’t waste the life he gave me!”

Daley Moss looked at the woman in front of him and muttered, “Brother loved you so much that he might not want you to sacrifice the rest of your life on him.”

“I’ll explain it to him when the time comes. I’ll tell him that this was what I wanted,” said Amber Mitchell.

She wanted so much… to be his bride!

All she could do was to be with Herman… in this way!

got a call from the

Chapter 2548

had something. important to inform him, but George Gregory only saw the attending doctor and another unfamiliar doctor when


the hospital’s hematology department. Dr. Larson is responsible for Simon’s blood test,” the attending doctor introduced.

Are there any new changes with Simon’s condition?” George

looked hesitantly at Dr. Larson beside him. Finally, Dr. Larson said, “Here’s the thing, Simon’s second blood transfusion had better effects than the third blood transfusion with his mother’s blood. We thought that the situation was abnormal, so we compared Simon mother’s

Gregory narrowed his

receptive to Amber Mitchell’s blood, who’s one of the four blood donors. Hence, I boldly conducted a DNA test. I only wanted to do a genetic comparison to see if any hidden factors might have

froze, hardly believing his ears. “What did


Chapter 2548


DNA test on Simon and Louise Mitchell. We found

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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