Chapter 2552

The statement set off a tempestuous wave in George Gregory’s mind.

‘Wedding dress… Why would she go there in a wedding dress? What exactly does that mean?’ Uncasiness and fear filled his heart as he stepped on the gas pedal and sped off toward the Moss family’s cemetery.

‘Amber Mitchell… Amber Mitchell…’

The name kept flashing across his head.

Those pledges of eternal love seemed to echo in his ear.

‘Amby, I love you. I’ll take good care of you and won’t let you suffer!

‘Amby, I can do whatever you want. I only want you to be safe and happy.

‘Amber Mitchell, I have never loved anyone so much in my life, and I have never wanted anyone to marry me this much. Let me be with you for the rest of your life. I’ll be with you for the rest of mine, okay?’

These words had come out of his own mouth. He meant it with all sincerity when he spoke.

Chapter 2552

never fulfilled


injustice. She was not

let it

will love you with all my heart. But I’ll stop loving you if you betray me one day. I’ll stop loving you once and for all.’

at him. Though her voice was soft, every


was making him a lifetime promise.

did he reply to her

I won’t betray you and our relationship.’

did he do in the end?

George Gregory saw a car rushing by and slammed on the brakes. The two cars were only a few centimeters

to drive? Are you in a hurry to die?” The driver of the other car rolled down the car window and


breath, ignored them, and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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