Chapter 2557


“When I donated blood the last time, I heard from the

nurses that his disease requires him to undergo transfusion treatment with his immediate family’s blood. That’s his only shot at survival, right? His blood type is the same as mine, so he’ll recover if I can donate enough blood for his transfusion.

Isn’t that right?” she asked.

George Gregory came back to his senses. “Yes, we do need you to help Simon with his transfusion so that he’ll recover, but


“I’ll help Simon with his transfusion. Even if he isn’t my child, I’ll do it if my blood can save someone else,” she said.

After going through so many things, she realized the value of life and was more willing to help those in need.

With that said, she looked intently again at Simon who was

still unconscious. Then, she turned to leave.

George Gregory grabbed Amber Mitchell’s arm. “Do you think I said that to make you help Simon with his transfusion?”

you really want us to acknowledge each other? George Gregory, you can stop the act. Given the

Chapter 2557


be her

acting, and I don’t have to act in front of you! I… I

to grow hoarse, while his dark eyes seemed to be tearing up. There was

me another chance, okay? Let’s start over. I won’t misunderstand and doubt you this time. I’ll be

out the words.

Mitchell could not help laughing. “A bright future? George Gregory, what future is there for you

what you’ve suffered. I’ll make

said, “You can never make up for what I’ve suffered. George Gregory, I’m Herman’s wife now. Don’t ever

now? Herman Moss’s already dead.

Chapter 2557


to marry? I’m marrying him because I


love him? You

I love Herman, even if he’s dead. Death doesn’t mean

love for Herman

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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