This man was always decisive and cold. However, currently, he seemed somewhat approachable and he gave off a warm and charming aura.

Cecilia filled two bowls of soup and said, "One bowl for each of you. I made it myself."

Natalie was very full but she did not want to turn down Cecilia's kindness, knowing that the latter went through the trouble of cooking it herself. Therefore, Natalie simply sat down and drank the soup slowly. The soup was very delicious. There were beef cubes and all kinds of vegetables in the soup.

"This is a secret fertility soup. I used to drink this and I became pregnant with Tobias later. Natalie, if you drink this together with Tobias, I guarantee that you will have a chubby son soon." Cecilia beamed. Natalie, who was drinking soup, spat out the soup when she heard "fertility soup". The content of her spit formed an arch in the air before landing into Tobias' bowl eventually.

Tobias was at a loss for words.

A glow flashed in his eyes. Natalie's table etiquette was horrible.

He glanced at his bowl, which contained Natalie's saliva, and lost all interest in drinking the soup.

Natalie kept coughing while Tobias was still indifferent. Cecilia patted Natalie's shoulder and comforted the latter, "Natalie, don't get too excited. Are you ecstatic after hearing what I said?"

Cecilia was overjoyed. She did not expect that Natalie wanted to get pregnant with a chubby son so badly.

Natalie was speechless.

After drinking the soup, Cecilia pointed out another matter.

Cecilia wanted to talk about Tobias and Natalie's wedding ceremony.

"As the president of YS Group, you can't just get a marriage license and be done with it. You have to hold a grand wedding that will shock the world to declare that you're married," Cecilia uttered. Fear crept into Natalie's heart.

Oh god, not a grand wedding! She was pretending to be Tobias' wife and it was just part of the agreement.

In order to cover up her nerves, Natalie lowered her head and continued to drink the soup.

Something dawned on her and she stopped after taking another sip. This was fertility soup. What if she got pregnant?

had not been sleeping with Tobias before,

and felt at ease.

did sleep with Tobias once and they did not use

face turned

He replied, "Mother, don't be hasty. Let's talk about this later. You want a grand wedding, so it's not possible in such

get the necessary preparations first."

talk about this later," Tobias answered flatly, "Father will definitely have to attend my wedding but he's

dimmed when Tobias mentioned his father. She did not discuss the wedding after

this when your father gets better. I'll go back to Europe to visit your

mood to chat and she left hurriedly

Europe tomorrow, so I won't need

of living under the same roof with a man. They were pretending to be

she usually would when he finished. Her face was a

you think that I'm pregnant?" Natalie fumbled

Tobias' face froze.

yours," Natalie

this is a magical soup that'll get you pregnant

her head. "No,

struggling for a moment,

was not until Natalie mentioned it that Tobias recalled that not only did they not use any contraceptive

"There's not a lot of coincidence," Tobias replied.

"There's no 'what if."

if there

Tobias's voice was clear and low, "We'll be real husband and

by his words. She looked up and suddenly sank

could the notion of being a real married couple be

so many coincidences," Natalie comforted herself, "Otherwise, there wouldn't be so many people

more Natalie thought about it, she seemed to think the possibility was higher. "Maybe we are sterile and infertile. Don't you think so? We

Tobias expectantly, only to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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