Queenie's blood was boiling from exasperation.

If the police officers were not around, she would have slapped Natalie menacingly.

Queenie glared at Natalie furiously.

That b*tch! Natalie will pay when they get to the police station!

"Oh, by the way." Natalie was about to get into the patrol car but suddenly, she turned over her shoulder to stare at Queenie and continued, "Queenie, I forgot to tell you one thing. I did regret it. I really do." Queenie was taken aback and a hint of smugness crept onto her furious face.

Look, that woman was petrified!

Queenie folded her arms and waited for Natalie to beg for mercy. She was planning to insult Natalie!

The mockery in Natalie's eyes glowed. "I regretted that I didn't stab you to death!"

"You! You, Natalie, you b*tch!" Queenie went ballistic.

Meanwhile, the patrol car drove Natalie away.

Natalie stared out the window as the scenery blurred past and she gave a bitter smile.

That was the first time in her life that she landed a spot in a patrol car. She would need to thank Madison and Queenie for it. If it were not for them, she would never experience it.

In truth, she could have made a phone call to Tobias.

She knew Tobias was very capable. It would only take a few minutes for him to solve the mess and she would be able to get off the patrol car immediately.

However, she did not call Tobias.

Tobias would help her, she did not want to

the male lead was invincible and he always revolved around the female lead. Nevertheless, Natalie knew that those were just fiction. Tobias was a

were multiple occasions where Natalie caught Tobias working on his computer

not want to disturb Tobias for

If Tobias used his powers to save her, it would be terrible

nobody but Tobias was a prominent figure.

Furthermore, Natalie was hopeful.

when she stabbed Madison, therefore it would not be fatal. Madison would recover after

in self-defense. Hence, Natalie assumed that it was not a big deal and she would just be detained for a few

afraid. She would just regard it as

at the police station,

officer commented, "Anyway, you stabbed your mother and

shouted, "What do you mean? It was self-defense!

manners!" The officer's face

was not even afraid of Tobias,

Madison is your mother, so what's wrong with that? Isn't it normal for parents to hit their children? Are you telling me that children should stab their parents for it? You're being unreasonable." The officer assumed that Natalie was horrible. He thought that Natalie stabbed Maddison in

snapped, "What's wrong with that? Officer, did you see what Madison did to me? Is there a surveillance camera

trying to beat her to death. That

now. Let's interrogate her tomorrow." The officer noticed that Natalie was very agitated,

dark and muggy small room. A

pushed Natalie

bar shut, Natalie

realized that things were not

should monitor the situation and act accordingly. What other choice did

bed, Natalie made a phone call

had something to attend to,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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