"He has a way to deal with them?" Simon raised his eyebrows, feeling doubtful.

Benjamin grinned, "Mr. Moore, being a gentleman is only one characteristic of Mr. Whitlock. You haven't seen his brute and vicious side."

Simon's eyes glimmered with interest.

A moment later, Tobias walked out.

His face was expressionless.

"Go in and ask your questions," He said to Simon.

Simon walked in. To his surprise, the men who were busy mocking him and laughing at him like a group of rowdy ruffians before were all sitting quietly with a frightened look on their face.

No matter what Simon asked, they gave it all up.

Simon soon understood what had happened before Natalie passed out.

In the evening, Simon came out.

Unlike before, he came out with a heavy face.

Tobias' gaze fell on Simon's face; his breathing unconsciously carrying a hint of anxiety.

"Tobias, Miss Godfrey didn't suffer from any inhumane treatment, but she almost got r*ped. She managed to escape by passing out before the men could do anything," Simon said in a solemn tone. This was within Tobias' expectations.

When he carried Natalie in his arms in the basement, he had already taken a quick look at her. He did not notice any signs of s*xual assault at the time.

Simon went on, "It's clear that Miss Godfrey isn't unconscious from physical injuries, but rather she has suffered severe psychological trauma. According to what the men told me, it doesn't seem like that alone would constitute the severity of her current situation."

"Then what's the reason?" Tobias' heavy gaze fell on Simon's face.

Simon hesitated for a moment, "I suspect that this incident brought up a deep-rooted memory inside Miss Godfrey. She has likely suffered from s*xual abuse before, and this incident has triggered that memory. Her mind had buried that memory deep inside her as a coping mechanism. When the kidnapping occurred, it's likely that her brain shut down in order to make sure that she doesn't remember the incident." There was a long silence.

Tobias' body tensed up.

Natalie had been s*xually assaulted before?

But she gave her first time to him.

she had s*x with someone else before, given that she bled on their bed

What did Simon mean?

do now?" He said

to get Natalie to wake up. It wouldn't

"Tobias, if Miss Godfrey doesn't wake up soon, her situation might worsen. In the worst case, she might never wake up. I'd like to try

stimulate her with them. She might wake up from the trigger. However, I should warn you that it's risky, and there's a chance that she might severely affect

breathing turned a

were fixed on Tobias.

Tobias fell silent.

me some time to think about it," he

Simon nodded.

then went to

was merely unconscious and did not suffer any physical injuries, she was moved out of the emergency

figure laid on the bed. The pale white sheets

like a

the bed and stared

website on Gøøglᴇ to access

was an optimistic and cheerful

trivial and could be easily trampled

would not want to continue being in a

sun rising every day, nor enjoy her favorite food.

the way Natalie ate. Every time she ate, her face was full of excitement and joy. She could eat

him that eating was one of the greatest joys

in a coma, she

took a deep

Natalie for the last time and resolutely walked out of

waiting outside

you made up your mind?" Simon looked at

"How confident are you?"

straightforwardly, "To tell you the truth, it's

eyes finally gathered together. "Let's do it." Uttering these three words took every ounce of strength in his

Simon nodded.

one is allowed to disturb me or come

Tobias nodded.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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