After a while, Lucy came back to her senses. She hurriedly put up a finger in front of her lips, shushing Natalie. "Keep your voice down, it's a secret. The Whitlock family doesn't even know about it." Lucy whispered.

Natalie's heart suddenly sank.

It turned out that the child was really Lucy's.

Lucy said she was chaste only to keep this matter a secret.

A hint of bitterness appeared across Natalie's face.

What was she thinking? What was she assuming?

Hadn't she made up her mind a long time ago? Why was her heart still disappointed?

Natalie weakly put down the blush in her hand and was about to leave.

"Oh god! Is it so hard to be a godmother these days without thinking I'm pregnant?" Lucy grumbled softly to herself behind her.

Hearing this, Natalie's whole body jolted.

After a moment, she turned around and stared earnestly at Lucy, urging. "Sorry, what did you say? You're the godmother of the child, not the biological mother?"

Lucy didn't expect Natalie to hear her whining.

She glanced at Natalie's ears, "Your hearing is quite sharp."

"You're just the child's godmother, not the child's biological mother!" Natalie's tone became urgent as she repeated.

Lucy's mouth turned into a pout. "Not only do you have sharp ears, but you're also a repeater."

Natalie suddenly became agitated.

She took a step forward and suddenly raised her voice. "Is that true?"


She stared suspiciously at Natalie.

Wasn't Natalie Remington's girlfriend? Why would she care so much about Tobias?

"Don't tell me she likes both of them!" Lucy thought to herself.

It didn't feel good to be cornered like that. Besides, Natalie already knew that Tobias had a child, so Lucy just said admittedly, "Yes, I was there a lot when this kid was born. So he pestered me and took me as his godmother. I am not the biological mother of this child."

Natalie's head went blank immediately, buzzing like a bomb.

the child's birth mother?" After she had sobered up a little,

intend to tell Natalie

Natalie and said, "Why should I tell

her bag and hurried

Natalie only felt dizziness.

vanity to prevent

flashed up into Natalie's mind

that time, she was overly agitated, so she didn't

that she recalled, there


her stubbornness, she had made up her mind

child at

Natalie's breathing got quicker.

was it really like what Yvonne

the plan to

looked apologizingly at Remington and said, "Remington, I think I'd better not go back tonight. I want to

surprise flashed across Remington's eyes. "Didn't you say this morning that you'll be

put on a smile. "I've changed my

paused to think for a moment. "Changed your

"Thank you, Remington."

need to thank me?" A smug look appeared on

smiled even

she stayed was to find out the truth of the

was going on with

it really the child she gave birth to back then, as Joshua said, that had died? Or was it actually

wanted to ask Tobias

were so many people,

directly left after receiving a

Tobias would definitely come

Tobias had rushed here after knowing that she had returned with Remington. Secondly, he didn't even allow them to stay in the same room. So, Natalie was sure that

had happened yesterday, Natalie's


would not allow other

that she thought about it, her own idea seemed to

was the

suddenly started to

up in her mind like an

Tobias still had feelings for her?

a sudden, Natalie's whole

a large room, filled with all sorts

a pair

heated now. Sometimes, I even get a little carried away." Tobias stated the purpose of the

Peter's words last night, it dawned

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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