The corner of Natalie's lips curled into a sneer. "Yes, I remember everything."

She remembered everything about her past.

She finally remembered those years of suffering - when her days were filled with tears.

All because of Tobias.

When Tobias lost interest in her, when he dumped her and let her suffer.

Now that he wanted her back, he went to great lengths to find her.

Did he see her as a toy?

Selina stared at Natalie in surprise. "Natalie, you remember! God, finally, you remember."

"Yes," Natalie muttered.

Selina glanced at Natalie's wet hair and said, "Let's not talk about this now. Shall we go home and take a shower? You're wet all over, and you're going to catch a cold."

Indeed, Natalie felt the chill as a gust of cold wind blew towards her.

She shivered.

Tobias instinctively held Natalie in his arms to

keep her warm.

But she pushed him away.

Tobias grimaced. "Let's go home first. You two need to take a bath."

"There's no need. I'll go back to my apartment," Natalie refused.

Selina looked at Natalie, and then at Tobias.

It seemed that their misunderstanding was still unresolved.

She held Natalie's hand and said, "Natalie, if you want to go back to your apartment, then I'll go back with you. I want to stay with you."

Natalie did not want Tobias to send her back, but Selina insisted. She had no choice but to follow Selina's wish.

When Natalie returned home, she saw a middle-aged woman knocking on her apartment door.

that the woman was the aunt

wrong, Auntie?" Natalie

through your phone, and she wanted me to check if you're in your apartment. She said that she is now overseas so she can't come back. She sounded very anxious. Now that you are here, I can rest assured. I will call her

stared at

found out

Suddenly, realization hit her.


was indeed her best friend. Their friendship had not changed at all since

her true

for a few seconds. Her

never seen such a handsome

inform her that she was safe, but she thought she'd

woman who just left would inform Yvonne about

pushed her apartment door open and walked inside while Tobias

you first," Natalie

was only one shower room in her small

not drenched in water,

insisted on letting

don't we shower

to a child,

Selina nodded.

was her sister-in-law. She didn't mind showering

and Selina sighed in relaxation as beads of warm water glided across their bodies, washing away the

you really remember everything?" Selina asked as

pants, she still felt disgusted, repulsed by

her stomach as she recalled the lewd grin on

"I remember

details. She got all her memories back when she was on the verge

about your entire life flashing across your

you plan to do with

did not hesitate.

get back with Tobias after he had

you think

it then?"

before answering, "I didn't know the truth until later when Mom told me about it.

kind of misunderstanding was

would have driven him to force her to

at that time. He thought you were his half-sister. That

Suddenly, Natalie stopped breathing.


thought that you are his biological sister, so he treated you like that." Selina

her head. This was ridiculous, totally unbelievable and yet,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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