Balloons were hanging all around the house. There was a special dessert station filled with scrumptious assortments and a huge birthday cake in the middle of the table. Tobias had come home early from work that day.

When he returned, Cecilia was busy supervising the servants as they decorated the living room. Cecilia had heard from Hayden that Natalie was coming to celebrate Tobias's birthday that night. She was more than elated. This signified a good beginning to Natalie and Tobias's relationship.

If Natalie was willing to celebrate Tobias's birthday, she probably still had feelings for him.

When Cecilia saw that Tobias had finally come back home from work, she pointed at the decorations and asked with a smile, "We've almost finished setting up. What do you think?" Tobias glanced through the room and nodded, "Thank you for your hard work, Mother."

Cecilia gave a tiny laugh, "That's my job. This is my first time decorating the house for your birthday."

She knew that Tobias never liked birthday parties, so she had never organized one for him before.

But this year's birthday was different. Natalie was coming, and she wanted to create a warm and loving atmosphere for Natalie.

She was certain that Natalie's mood would also improve if they were in a vibrant atmosphere.

"I hope your relationship with Natalie will take a turn for the better," Cecilia told Tobias earnestly.

Tobias' eyes glinted with hope and anticipation.

He patted Cecilia's shoulder and reassured her, "Don't worry, Mother. It will."

Just then, Hayden skipped towards them in excitement, jumping with joy.

He grabbed Tobias' hand and exclaimed, "Daddy, did you see? Everything is so beautifully decorated. I can see a lot of my favorite cakes and cookies on that table."

He swallowed some saliva greedily and continued with a solemn face, "But Grandma won't let me eat them now. She said that I can only start eating when Natalie comes. Don't you think I am a good boy, Daddy? I can resist the temptation of such delicious food."

"Yes, you're a good boy," Tobias chuckled, ruffling his son's hair.

Soon, it was six o'clock in the evening. Tobias was hopeful and looking forward to Natalie's arrival.

On the other hand, Cecilia also looked a little nervous.

Hayden couldn't wait. He was jumping all around, looking forward to Natalie's arrival.

However, ten minutes had passed but Natalie still did not show up.

"Maybe Natalie's taxi is running late? It's not easy to get a taxi at this hour," Cecilia sighed, "It's our fault. We didn't arrange for a driver to pick her up."

They waited patiently until half- past six. Yet, Natalie was still nowhere to be seen.

had run to the front gate several times but still did not

and asked, "What happened, Daddy? Why isn't Natalie here

worry. Natalie already promised you that she would come, so she

long already," Hayden said in

set yet, so let's wait for a little

possibility of that

turned dark. Natalie was

eyes started reddening. His voice was a little shaky as he whined, "Why hasn't Natalie come yet? How could she lie to me? She already

Tobias aside and said, "Why don't you try

She didn't pick up," Disappointment flashed

her hours ago, but no

to come, and I trust her," He muttered,

date? Or is it possible that

his lips and

It was very unlikely.

a smart child. He

a mistake.

was the case, why wasn't Natalie

Tobias felt as if

consider the fact that maybe Natalie had not forgiven him

would rather break her promise to

Natalie followed Remington back to his


car accident that noon. A car crashed into Remington's car when he was trying to cross Fortunately, the other driver stopped his car in time,

only why Natalie was able to come out unscathed. However, Remington got injured. His forehead was bleeding after

he would likely suffer a high fever soon due to the possible


I've had enough of it. I will not stay

stop him

worried about Remington going home alone, so

to him

have to stay with me," Remington said

softly, "I can't rest easy until I see you back in your apartment safe

curled into a grin, "You're that worried

your friend, I

and said

finally arrived at Remington's apartment, Natalie suddenly noticed that his face was unusually

immediately felt his forehead with the back of

touch of her skin came in contact with his, Remington felt

His eyes gleamed.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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