He was a man with a truly warm heart.

Moreover, when they came out of the restaurant, Matthew had turned many young ladies' heads.

It was true that Matthew, who was tall, handsome and noble, attracted much attention from young women.

A bubble of thought appeared in her mind's eye.

If she were to find another man to get over Dylan, Matthew was indeed quite a good catch.

Selina had the feeling that a man like Matthew would definitely spoil his girlfriend, and that she would be very comfortable with him.

After a series of mixed emotions along the way, they finally arrived at the Whitlock family's villa.

Matthew stopped the car, and his eyes fell on Selina's face. "Don't be too pressured when you return home. Your family cares about you, and they'll understand you. Don't be too tense."

His tone was gentle but not overwhelming, and it put one at ease.

Selina nodded.

"Alright," she whispered.

Matthew was really thoughtful. He had even considered the psychological pressure she would have when she returned home, which was why he said that in encouragement.

"I'm getting out of the car, then." Selina was about to open the car door.

"Selina," Matthew suddenly called.

Selina's hand, which was reaching to open the car door, paused. She turned to look at Matthew.

Matthew's gaze was deep. "Think about what I said after you get home. You can give me an answer when the time comes."

Selina's heart was befuddled.

Why would Matthew make such a request so abruptly, and so seriously too...

Selina thought about it and a flash of brilliance shot through her mind.

have to be like this. You don't have

thought of the possibility that her tearful complaints to Matthew the night before had

seemed to be a good person, the kind of person who would

he felt bad for her, he

eyes squinted

think that I'm doing this simply

Selina nodded seriously.

Matthew sighed lightly.

in a firm tone, "Selina, I've never pitied

Selina's breathing hitched.

princess in the world. Why would others pity you? Selina, do you still not understand?" Selina's heart felt

that there was only her shadow reflected in Matthew's deep eyes,

it." Selina couldn't figure out what was going on and suddenly felt panicked, so she left

and Tobias were all there when she returned

everyone let out

one asked about her decision. There was

and added on, "That's right, Selina. Mom and I had to wake up really early in the morning to prepare it. You have to at

she was no

was spoiled rotten at that

of her so-called love, she had made so


beamed as she spoke, and her voice was imperceptibly choked

but she forced herself to

devour the

else you'll damage your stomach," Tobias said

can't slow down. The breakfast Mom and Natalie cooked is really delicious.

dim light flashed

like that, the more he felt

Tobias that saw through her act, Cecilia and

just acted as if nothing had happened, grinning and having breakfast

last piece of bread, Selina

up. "By the way, I have an

was a smile

Everyone's hearts tensed up.

am not getting married today,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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