Selina stared at the pendant for a few seconds before she came to her senses.

Shocked, she asked, "Mom, did you ask to meet Dylan today?"

Cecilia nodded.

"Why did you do that?!" Selina exclaimed in dismay.

Cecilia sighed, "I was afraid that you were just playing around with Matthew, so I met Dylan to confirm it."

Selina bit her lip and continued, "Playing around? I've told you so many times that I am serious with Matthew. You'll only mislead Dylan by asking him to meet you!"

After all she went through to make things clear with Dylan, now her mother had to go and complicate things. She was afraid that it would cause a misunderstanding between her and Dylan.

Besides, she really did not want to hurt Dylan further. Compared to the trouble she might face, she was more reluctant to cause Dylan even more pain.

Cecilia understood immediately her daughter's concerns.

Cecilia patted Selina's shoulder calmly. "Don't get too worked up. Dylan didn't think too much about it. He confirmed with me that your breakup was final and he wished you and Matthew well. On the contrary, he even asked me to approve your marriage."

Selina was surprised.

Her eyes welled up with emotion.

"Is that so?" Selina murmured.

"Yes, its true." Cecilia added, "Dylan successfully convinced me that your relationship with Matthew is genuine. If it wasn't for his words, I really wouldn't have believed that you moved on from him." Selina took a deep breath.

"Mom, I'm a little upset. Can you please give me some privacy?"

Cecilia stood up. "Sure. Take some time to calm yourself down. I'll call Matthew to invite him over for dinner tonight."

Selina nodded wordlessly.

After Cecilia left the room, Selina stared absent-mindedly at the pendant in her hand.

Although Selina loved Matthew with all her heart, Dylan was still her first love and they had many sweet memories together.

It is impossible to be completely unaffected by Dylan's gesture.

When Matthew arrived at the Whitlock family home that night, Selina appeared to be preoccupied.

Cecilia noticed Selina's unusual behaviour.

knew that it was because of


pendant was just a test. If Selina had truly moved

a small matter should not cause any alarm to

why she'd handed the pendant to Selina and told her

she would

also sensed that something was wrong

it to himself, he served Selina and waited on

Selina took their leave to return to the

Selina was silent, lost in her

concern from the corner of

they arrived at a large square, Matthew

in confusion. "We haven't

on, let's go for

"Oh, okay." Selina replied.

a walk,

of the car

selling helium balloons to children playing in

went over and bought all the helium balloons

not here. Why

and answered, "I bought them

taken by

little girl anymore, you don't

eyes. "To me, you

he handed the cloud

that Selina had a hard

couldn't help but burst into laughter. "This is the first time I've held so many balloons. If I am not careful, I might fly

his arms around her waist from behind. "Now release

astonishment, "Won't they

air. They would definitely fly away if she loosened

"Yes, let them fly

floating up to the sky

to give it a

her grip

began to float

spectacular view. The scene was breathtaking as the colorful balloons contrasted beautifully against the

you feeling better now?" Matthew

was astounded by his

look at him. "You knew that I was in

Selina's forehead gently. "Silly girl, it was

bad mood."

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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