Caroline smiled. "Saoirse, you've done the right thing. You shouldn't agree with William. You can't give in to any of his requests."

After saying that, she inched a little closer. "Remember that any compromise on your end will only be to their advantage."

Saoirse spoke with pain in her voice. "But William was not happy at all."

"He's unhappy?" Caroline raised his voice. "Did he ever consider that you would be unhappy? Saoirse, you're too kind. He is making such a request just to make you suffer!" Saoirse contemplated for a moment.

"Is that so?" She said uneasily, "I don't think that William is such a person."

"Why wouldn't he be!" Caroline stared right into Saoirse's eyes. "You saved his life, but he chooses to be with another woman. He's stabbing you in the heart, yet you're always thinking about him. Saoirse, wha more do you want me to say?"

There was pain in Saoirse's beautiful eyes. "But I have no choice but to think him, Caroline. I love him."

Caroline rolled her eyes and said, "It's good that you love him, but remember that we are supposed to be winning him back. Are you really willing to do anything it takes just to win him back?" Saoirse agreed, nodding.

"That's it, now you have to listen to me carefully. You have handled this matter really well. Remember that Matthew will still come to you, but no matter what, don't give in to his requests. Saoirse, this is not the time to be soft-hearted. Do you understand clearly?"

Saoirse nodded again. "Yes, I understand."

Warm and cozy home.

Lothar had left for work, leaving Yesseca alone at home.

Yesseca had decided to explore the surrounding area.

Although she may not have been back for long, she had made quite a few friends with her charming personality.

At this moment, a neighbor downstairs who was a few years older than Yesseca was hurriedly walking towards the entrance.

Yesseca immediately called out and stopped her. "Sierra."

The woman stopped and said, "Yesseca, it's you." "Sierra, where are you going in such a hurry?" Yesseca asked out of curiosity.

Sierra didn't hide the truth from Yesseca. "I'm going to apply for a job."

"Apply for a job?" Yesseca's eyes lit up. "Sierra, where are you going to apply?"

Coincidentally, she was also searching for a job.

While she was healthy enough to stay out of the hospital, she wasn't going to stay at home forever. Yesseca wanted to help Lothar and ease his burdens. Even Lothar was well known now, she could not be a parasite.

Sierra had a discreet look on her face. "Yesseca, I will tell you but you can't tell anyone else."

Yesseca immediately nodded.

said, "I applied for

Yesseca was dumbfounded.


graduate from a renowned university, so how

to find a more lucrative

job, it's working as a maid for the Quartley family. The monthly salary is 100,000 yuan.

Sierra smiled sheepishly.

Yesseca was still a child in her eyes, she was not

100,000 per month!

widened just

was an enormous figure in her

can you take me with

also wanted to apply for the maid's

for a moment but

someone else, she definitely wouldn't agree to

Sierra left with Yesseca.

and after a few wrong

front of the villa. All of them were young

top 500 companies

despair. "We're still

arrive early, but she didn't expect that there would be so

but that feeling was quickly pushed aside as she was distracted by the long queue in front

"Sierra, there are so

get in line. It

Yesseca to the

them one by one. Most of the people left in disappointment after

it was almost Sierra

expression on his face. "If you worked as a maid here, what do you think is the most important thing that you need

said with confidence, "I will express

steward shook his head.

weeping as she dragged her

worked as

you need to say to the

with nervousness. "Say

steward still

came to Yesseca, the steward

was spinning

the front have been eliminated. They have probably said what should be said, so

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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