"Take a picture of the certificate for me, the sooner the better," Caroline instructed.

After talking to Liselle, Caroline went to look for Reid.

Although it was already late at night, she still couldn't control herself.

She was thrilled by the thought that appeared in her mind.

If her idea worked, she could destroy Selina's reputation, making her the talk of the town.

She needed Reid's support on this.

Caroline knocked on Reid's bedroom door.

Reid soon opened his door.

He was dressed in his nightwear.

He raised his brows when he saw Caroline and said with a smirk, "Lonely?"

Caroline blushed, "What are you talking about?"

"What am I talking about?" His smirk turned into a sneer. "Well, it must be lonely for you, not having any men around. It's a pity that I am not interested in you." Caroline glared at Reid and said, "Stop spouting nonsense. I have something important to discuss with you."

Reid gave her an indifferent look.

Caroline shared her idea.

Reid's expression gradually changed.

When Caroline finished, she turned to Reid. "Do you think this is a good idea?" she asked.

"How did you come up with such a brilliant idea?" Reid stared into Caroline's eyes, looking for an answer.

Caroline knew that Reid had approved of her plan.

"It just came to me when I was talking when Liselle just now," she answered.

"Brillant!" Reid clapped his hands together, "Simply brilliant!"

Caroline's eyes flashed with excitement. "Then I'll leave it to you to finalize the plan, I'll have Liselle send me the photos," she went on.

Reid thought for a moment and said, "Hand me the photos as soon as you can."

The next day.

had happened in

senior servants came to Natalie with tears in her


woman not only asked me to wash her feet, she even ordered me to dress her and wash

went to

of rich families enjoy this kind of treatment? Is she looking down on me

"Aunt Francia, this is really not the case. Even the rich dress and wash up

how it's shown

television, it's not real! You really shouldn't have acted like

"Oh, what a hard life I have! My only brother is gone, and I thought I could finally enjoy my days after coming here to my niece, but who would have thought she would shun me just after a day here! I should have just


so loud that it could

helped Francia up. "Aunt Francia, I really didn't

do you mean then?" Franica

indeed too disrespectful towards the servants. I can satisfy all your requests other than

want?" Francia

Natalie nodded.

and declared, Well, I've seen all the rich ladies in the city always dress in gold and silver jewelry. I want to buy


get up

now." Francia's excited demeanor was a deep contrast from the miserable expression she had on

took Francia to

after an hour of

shining, making all the passerby's turn

tell her that

held her tongue when she saw how happy Francia

o'clock in the morning


she spoke, "Natalie, that woman came over to

how to comfort

optimistic about this, after all, there is only less than

leave Matthew when the time

discussed this with Tobias. He told me that Matthew had already made up his mind.

was silent

I just can't help but to look at things negatively," Selina breathed out. "Don't be like that," Natalie assured her, "Matthew only has

topic of their conversation. "Natalie, how about you? Are you doing fine?"

Natalie's expression changed.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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