Tremaine glanced at Yesseca and said, "I believed you because I wanted to. There's no reason to it."

"There should be a reason for everything!" Yesseca couldn't help but blurt out.

"Then, why is your face so round?"


She touched her face subconsciously.

Was her face round?

Also, she was asking him about his faith in her remedy, why did he shift the topic to the shape of her face?

"How would I know why my face is round?" Yesseca asked him instead of giving him an answer.

"Then how do I know why I believe you?" Tremaine's voice was cold.

Yesseca was dumbstruck yet again.

She was in awe of this man.

He didn't talk much, but every time he wanted to block out the question of others, he had the ability to shut them up right away.

Yesseca paused for a moment before saying,

"However, thank you very much. No one believed me just now. You are the only one who did."

As she spoke, Tremaine fixed his eyes at her.

Just as he was about to open his lips, he seemed to have thought of something else and decided not to speak.

In a blink of an eye, they arrived at Zorion's villa.

This was Yesseca's first visit to Zorion's villa.

Zorion's villa was slightly smaller than Tremaine's, but it was still luxurious inside.

The decoration of Tremaine's villa was rather low-key but majestic. The theme was black and white, while Zorion's villa was exaggeratedly luxurious and magnificent. Yesseca had a feeling that the decorations must have been done by Yuliana.

After a quick stroll around the villa, Tremaine took Yesseca to Zorion's room.

Zorion was lying in bed, with the medical equipment that Yesseca couldn't understand next to him. Furthermore, there was a tube going into Zorion's body. Yesseca couldn't help but sigh.

After all, a rich family did not even need to go to a hospital. They could just arrange a small ward directly in their houses.

There was also a doctor standing in the ward.

He was a Chinese doctor who was specially invited by Tremaine from the United States.

"How is he doing?" Tremaine asked the doctor.

vessels. Along with the preexisting condition of the patient, my answer is

Tremaine nodded.

said to Yesseca, "Yesseca, take

words, Yesseca came to her

fixed on Zorion, who was lying

indeed looked very

so pale and his eyes were closed, it was still easy to see that he was just like Tremaine, as both figure and appearance are almost

Montez brought it with them when they came to the Quartley

handed the prescription to


them seemed to

instant, Yesseca was a bundle of nerves. Her heart was palpitating wildly in her chest. After a second of stupefaction, she pulled her hand back

Yesseca was speechless.

of paper when his low voice reached her ears. "I'll

Tremaine bent down to pick up the paper on the

up a piece of paper, it was attractive enough to make the girls

at the prescription written on the paper and handed it to the




block of blood in a patient's brain was dispelled after taking this medicine. Can you help me look through the list and predict

was also watching the doctor as she held her

so afraid that the doctor would deny her prescription. At this moment, she hoped that her prescription could work so she would be able to help Zorion. Her first priority is to be

to her kindness, she also wanted it to work because Tremaine trusted her. She didn't want to disappoint

looked at



types of

I don't know if the herbs

prescription are


can't really give any comments, it depends on your own

looked up

herself, "I don't think this man would use my prescription. After all, the

she opened her mouth and said, "Doctor, my friend once used this prescription. At that time,

told the doctor about her friend's symptoms in

doctor immediately said, "Your friend's symptoms


as she regained

The doctor just said that although the harbs can't guarantee to be useful, it

narrowed his eyes

he opened his thin lips slightly and said, "Then let's


this moment, a sharp female

turned out that Yuliana came over at some

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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