Seeing Walden was suddenly rushing towards her, Yesseca was so stunned that she forgot to avoid him.

He extended his arm, wanting to land a punch at her.

A pleased and vicious look flashed across Enaryln's eyes.

At this critical moment, Cassie ran over and pulled Yesseca away.

Cassie was also intimated by Walden's fierce look, but she forced herself to be calm as she said, "I warn you! You better not do anything rash! There are still many of us watching you, and I've just called the police. They will be here soon."

When he heard that the police were about to arrive, he felt the urge to get rid of Yesseca even faster. Or else, he wouldn't feel like he had gotten his vengeance.

He thought he was lucky to be able to sleep with a woman with a great figure with only tens of thousands of dollars. He did not expect the real deal to be so far off from his expectations.

He was about to let her off even when he had been deceived.

Not only did she looked down on him, but she was also saying he was paying too little. He was embarrassed to have lost his face in front of a crowd now.

How could he relieve the hatred in his heart without giving her a good beating?

"Lady, get out of my way! Or I'll beat you up too!" Walden shouted.

He sounded so loud and powerful that Cassie was intimidated.

Yesseca could feel her friend's body trembling, and so she pulled the girl behind her.

She looked at him, saying, "I don't know you, nor did I post anything on any forums. Don't you think you had the wrong person?"

He sneered.

It did not matter if she was speaking the truth because the fact that he had been humiliated remained. He could not let her go.

He showed an obscene gesture with his hands and shouted, "I would not stop beating you up until I hear you beg for mercy! Else I wouldn't be satisfied!"

With that, he charged towards her.

Yesseca was no fool. She knew the security guards would not dare to make a move, and she only had Cassie on her side. All of them were still not enough to go against Walden. Anyone in their right mind would be afraid of him.

She grabbed Cassie and started running.

Suddenly, someone grabbed her other hand.

She felt her cold palm being enveloped in warmth.

couldn't run away

she knew that it must be Enaryln holding onto her. Enaryln had been involved in this matter, so she


could not escape,

she would not let EnaryIn

if you want it this way, let's both suffer the

words got stuck in her

was not Enaryln but Kylin who

She was dumbfounded.

When did he arrive?

the crowd

noticed his appearance. Just as soon as they saw him, he was already

punch that Walden threw out

because he noticed the noble air around Kyi in, despite his gentle

he did not dare to

out of the way. It's

to do with me." Kyi in's tone was gentle, but it gave off an imposing

Kylin. She was too shocked to

girlfriend, shouldn't you ask for my permission?" Kyi in's eyes fell on

under Kyi in's piercing

calmed down

a gangster. Why would

laughable it would be if he ran away

Walden sneered, "Why don't you ask your girlfriend what

of Kylin's mouth curled up. "May I

on a forum, saying she has a figure just like a supermodel. She was looking for money, and that she would do

said, "Nonsense. I've never said

spoke louder, "If

this place, and I would not have known that your name is Yesseca. How dare

a chuckle

It was from Kylin.

was going to gift my girlfriend. Do you think she would post

and their

how could you prove it? I can also say that I have a billion dollars

with him was Kylin's calm demeanor. "Well, is there an ATM

up, "Yes, it's not far from here. You can check your card balance

"Would you do it for me? The pin is the last four

card from Kyi in, but

just pass her a card with a hundred

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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