Chapter 0368


Somehow, I managed to daze all of the guards at once.

But Enzo and I didn't have time to stand around and try to figure out how I did it. There was no knowing exactly how long this spell of mine would last, and for all we knew Selena had already been alerted to our location. We seemed to have an unspoken agreement to run as fast as we could, and that was exactly what we did. We ran across the large lawn that led up to the mansion, weaving through the stupefied guards, and bolted up the steps to another door that was slightly off to the side. We could reuse the same entrance we had used before, but we also couldn't simply walk in through the front doors, Instead, we used a small wooden door that was tucked into the corner of the mansion; and, much to my surprise, it opened to a set of stairs that were going down.

With one last apprehensive look at each other, Enzo and I shut the door behind us and began our descent.

The stairs led to some sort of old root cellar. The floors and walls were all made of cobblestone, and when I flicked on my phone's flashlight, I noticed that there were rows of shelves containing all sorts of weapons.

wasn't a cellar, it was an

a packed

large amount of swords and picked one up, inspecting it in the light of

turning the blade this way and that. "It looks razor

it back," I said.

slowly put the sword back on the rack. I never explained to him the premonition that I saw in the portal about my life being intertwined with Selena's, but I had a feeling that he knew something about it. But now wasn't

Enzo stopping me. Selena had to be stopped for the sake of both realms, and if Enzo knew that I was potentially marching

what the old man said was right; that no one

just the ramblings of

branched off into several tunnels. The longer we walked, in fact, the more I realized that there must have been an entire tunnel

of the dark tunnels. It went so far that I couldn't even

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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