Chapter 0386


"Let me teach you how to skate."

I widened my eyes at Enzo's words. I had just skated circles around the rink with him after only ever skating once before, and I hadn't fallen once. But I had never thought about skating seriously. In fact, I had never even considered hockey or figure skating as particularly interesting sports until I started to get to know Enzo. After skating with him a couple of times, however, I was beginning to realize that I did enjoy the sport. It was fun, and it was good exercise. Even after just skating around in circles for a few minutes, I was already out of breath and little beads of sweat were beginning to form on my skin, causing my bangs to stick to my forehead.

"Um... I'll think about it," I said, somewhat sheepishly. "I have another class to go to right now, though."

Enzo nodded, still beaming widely with his eyes shining more brightly than ever before. "Of course," he said. " Tomorrow morning, maybe?"

I shrugged and repeated that I would think about it and let him know later, which seemed to be enough for Enzo for the time being. He continued to practice while I changed back into my shoes and put the rental skates away, and after that I headed to class.

Just before I left, I took one last look at Enzo as he skated back and forth the rink. He had returned to doing his drills from before, and was once again tirelessly zooming around the rink while expertly maneuvering the puck with his stick. Seeing him move so freely, and doing something that he clearly loved and missed so much, made me smile. And, in an odd way, it made me a little envious. Maybe if I put the work in, I could have just as much fun skating as Enzo did.

Throughout class, and throughout the rest of the day, I found myself not being able to stop thinking about how good it felt to skate with Enzo. Once I got past the feeling of being a baby deer with little to no control over my legs, I had actually had a lot of fun playing with Enzo when I didn't think that I would have had much fun at all. It made the time fly, and it made me feel closer to Enzo, too. Not only that, but it took my mind off of all of the stress that I had been under.

later that night as I got ready for bed with Enzo, I finally decided to skate with him

apartment bathroom, drying my hair after a shower. "I think I will skate with you

up. He had returned to his somber demeanor, clearly stressing over everything with the Luna and the Crescents, earlier that afternoon. But hearing that I planned on skating with him again

a smile tugging at the comers of his lips. "You

could be fun to learn to skate," I replied.

as I said this. He jumped up and ran over to me, picking me up in his arms and spinning me around as he kissed me all over my face. I couldn't help but laugh and think that maybe his happiness alone was

ready to head to the arena. I didn't have any classes until the afternoon, which

ice. He set up some cones for me,

the cones," he said. "Remember... Keep your knees bent, your

want to go one way, just lean into that side with your skate, and

this information. I did as Enzo said and bent

made him so happy to see me try my hardest; but I had to

so bad," I said on my fourth time going back and

grinned. "Wait here," he said as I came to the end. He skated out and positioned the cones

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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