Chapter 0419


Monday morning marked the beginning of finals week, which meant that the end of the semester was only a few days away.

It didn't really feel as though the semester was ending, though. I would be staying on campus for Christmas break, and between the Luna and the Crescents, time felt different anyway. I was a bit sad that I wouldn't have classes to distract me anymore, though.

On Monday morning, I woke up early for my first exam. I headed out quickly and went to the dining hall for breakfast and more cramming before the exam, but by that point I had done all of the studying that I possibly could. It was an anatomy exam, which brought me back to the days of Luke helping me study before he had his human disguise. Everything felt so chaotic during that time, but now looking back I realized just how simple everything really was. The Crescents were practically unheard of, I didn't even know about the Alpha King or the Luna or Selena, and the main issue on my mind was whether or not I wanted to just be friends with Enzo or not. Now, it all felt so small and silly. In some ways I wished that I could go back to that time, but in other ways I was grateful for everything that had happened since then. I felt as though we all grew so much because of everything that had happened.

After I ate breakfast and studied for a little while longer, I realized that I only had a little bit of time before the exam began. I decided to head to the classroom early so that I could find a good seat, and so I packed up my notebooks and headed out of the dining hall and into the cold winter morning air.

The snow from the weekend was still piled high around the campus, and people's spirits were just as high. The town of Mountainview felt safe and lively again thanks to everyone's efforts, and I could tell that everyone was finally happy. Hopefully, I thought to myself as I began to walk across the snowy quad to the lecture hall, things would only get better from here. I knew that I just needed to take the Luna down, but I needed more information. And the dream that I had on Friday night about the Luna made me even more nervous; even though Enzo told me that it was just a nightmare and that I didn't have anything to worry about, I felt strange. I felt as though my mind had been invaded on that night. It felt as though the Luna really was watching my every move, how long would it be before she discovered what we were up to and stopped us from fighting back?

As I walked to the lecture hall, my mind swirled with a million different possibilities. I tried to push them down, though, so I could just focus on my exam instead.

But when I suddenly bumped into none other than Selena, I couldn't push those thoughts down any longer.

"Oh-Hey, Selena," I said, forcing a weak smile.

away. But I was still too hooked on what she had said the last time I saw her, about how the Luna

jogging after her, "Wait! Can I

little, but I was persistent. I sped up as well and then sidestepped in front of her so she

"We really

that you claimed even more people and yet you excluded me once again.

"I need

you." She

The other day, you said that the Luna was connected to all of those

and began to storm off. I whirled around to watch

tell me more, I promise I'll Claim you at the end of

I could see her grip tighten around the strap of her bag, and she shifted uncomfortably in her spot for a moment before slowly turning back to face me. I walked up to her, pleading with her with my eyes

lying?" she

lied to me, but somehow I knew that I would be able to tell if

and chewed the

voice. "When the Luna created her special genetically

in disbelief. "How?" I asked. "That

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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