Chapter 0421


Between the upcoming plan to stop the Luna as well as finals week, I was stressed to say the least. I didn't want anyone to have to die, but I knew that there was no other way to stop her. Even if we somehow managed to turn her human with the antidote in the same way that we had turned Selena, there was still a chance that the Luna's genetically engineered rogues would survive. Besides, part of me didn't even believe that the antidote would work on the Luna. She was too powerful; I had discovered that within five minutes of meeting her. The way that she had been able to force all of us to the ground and inflict us with so much agony with just a single look told me that she was even more powerful than I ever could have comprehended. No one knew the full extent of her powers, and maybe by now it was already too late. Maybe it was already over when it began.

But even though I knew that the Luna would have to die for us and the rest of the human world to survive, I didn't want Enzo to have to be the one to kill her. It was my plan, and my father who we were saving, so I felt as though it should have been me. I needed to figure something else out, but with finals taking up all of my time, I didn't have time to come up with a better plan. And with time ticking faster than I wanted it to, I felt hopeless.

As the week went on, the effects of my final exams began to take their toll - just as they did with everyone else on campus. By Thursday, however, I was thankfully on my very last exam of the semester.

I woke up even earlier that morning after a night of hardly any sleep thanks to all of the stress from everything. I crawled out of bed shortly after the sun rose and spent the remainder of the morning before my chemistry exam studying in the library and drinking too much coffee. Thankfully, though, I felt prepared - and hopped up on caffeine - after spending the morning studying, and I went to my exam with confidence.

By the time my exam was over, I headed over to the infirmary to work for a little while to keep myself occupied while I waited for all of my results. The dean still hadn't found anyone to fill in Tiffany's position, so Jessica and I as well as a few other medical students picked up the slack to make sure that the infirmary was always open. I was looking forward to working my shift, and although no one came in aside from a couple of students complaining of colds, it still felt good to be a bit distracted.

Eventually, Enzo came in to keep me company. He had been quiet ever since I told him about my plan, but he was supportive and worked hard to make preparations while I was busy with exams. I kept telling myself that all of this would be over soon, and then I could see him smile again without anything getting in our way. At least, that was what I hoped.

yet?" he asked, setting down a

replied, feeling my heart race just at the thought of getting my results. The results of this semester would dictate whether or not I went on to the medical school program or whether I would stay in pre-med for another semester, so I was nervous to say the

smiled a bit and pulled me in for a hug. "You'll do great," he said gently. "You're the smartest person I know. I'll

while I wrapped my arms around his neck. Of course, in our usual fashion, our kiss led to more... And soon, we were pressed up against

door suddenly banged open and Jessica came

have you - oh, sorry, am

from being caught almost having sex in the infirmary. I shook my head

widely, then

*Check your student portal."

my student portal. I opened the page that led to my final grades for the semester, then froze and slowly looked up at Enzo and Jessica. My hand shook a

my mouth and felt tears come

stared down at my phone for a moment, reading my results, and then looked back up at me with an

A's," I whispered. "I'm going to medical school

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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