Chapter 0431


Why wasn't I dying yet?

Selena had died at the Luna's hands. The prophecy foretold that one twin must not live without the other... But I felt fine. Selena was dead, and I was still standing. I looked up at Enzo, who looked back down at me with an equal amount of surprise, confusion, and joy.

Suddenly, I heard a booming voice thundering across the battlefield.

"Where is my daughter?!" a loud, male voice called. I whipped around to see none other than the Alpha King staggering through the doorway of the mansion. He leaned his hand against the doorframe, and as his eyes scanned the scene before him, his face became wrought with worry. His eyes then flickered down to see his dead daughter, Selena, laying on the steps with a gaping hole in her chest.

The Alpha King let out a wild yell and rushed down the steps, falling to his knees beside his daughter. He didn't even care to look in the Luna's direction; he knew what she had done. Now that he had been freed from her spell, there was no doubt that he remembered everything. All of her manipulation, her evil deeds, her murders.

Slowly, the Alpha King then looked up at me and Enzo. His eyes flickered with recognition and he stood, walking over to me. As he did, I felt my heart catch in my throat. Would he blame me for this? Did he even remember me from the last time that I saw him, or did the Luna's spell wipe it out of his memory?

For a long time, we just stared at each other. The air fell silent. Everything else fell away, leaving nothing but the two of us staring into each other's eyes.

*Nina," he whispered. "Is that you? You're alive?"

me and pulled me in tightly. "All these years," he said, "I thought that the Crescents had killed you... But you were alive.

you under a spell," I said through my tears. "You didn't recognize me. You

me under a spell. She had all of us under a spell. And Selena..." He looked over at Selena's body. Luke had begun covering it with his jacket, but looked up when

No more words would come out, but the Alpha King - my father - knew what I

he said, his voice low and

eyes widened. "But

protection charm on both of you. She knew that the Crescents were going

lift off of my chest. And then... Everything began to go dark. My knees buckled beneath me, and the last thing

dimly lit with a fire crackling in a nearby fireplace. I tried to sit up, but felt a

Enzo said gently. "Just

through my

over to the side table and picked up

relishing in the feeling of the cold liquid moistening my sore throat. "The battle took a lot out of you.

everyone?" I asked.

Mountainview, with the recruits and some of your dad's men. The Crescents tried to attack the town, but

hand this time. "Y-Yesterday?" I asked. "How long have I been asleep?" Enzo looked at his watch. "Two days." My eyes widened, but he just chuckled. "It's fine. Your wolf must have put you into a bit of a coma. Everything that happened was just too much for your brain and your body to handle, so your wolf did what was best. You didn't miss

moments in a state of shock. In the darkness, I saw Enzo stand up from the chair he was sitting in next to the bed and come around to the other side.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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