Chapter 0452


The ambient noise of the party surrounded me, conversations melding together into a soft hum. But as I held up my glass, ready to make my announcement, my mind started to wander to a time not too far back. I felt a lump forming in my throat, knowing how much this particular revelation would change things. For everyone.

A couple of months ago...

The cafe's familiar bell chimed, announcing another customer's arrival. My focus was solely on the steaming cup of coffee in front of me, and the textbook sprawled open with notes scattered everywhere.

But that focus wavered when a stranger approached, his sharp suit contrasting against the sea of college hoodies.

*Enzo?" The voice, firm and deliberate, pulled me out of my studies.

I glanced up, immediately wary. "Yeah?"

*Tim Malone." He extended his hand. "Hockey recruiter. I caught your game last week. You've got some skills on the ice."

hand, still processing the introduction. "Thanks. What can I

all business. "Your style of play, your leadership... It's what my team needs. We've been struggling, and I believe someone

an eyebrow. "You want to

a player," Tim corrected. "As a

aback. "A coach?

team needs a mentor, someone who's been there, played the game, knows the ins and outs. And after seeing you play

had been about pursuing my degree and playing hockey. But

this work?"

do as well as we think you will, I've got plenty of other jobs for you. Lots of other hockey teams around the country who

two semesters left before I finish my degree.

but there was a gleam in his

opportunity, and I can see how much passion you have for the sport.

given a chance not many get. It's a

my team," I

closer, her hands capturing mine. "And besides, sometimes, life throws us a curveball.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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