Chapter 0455

Jessica, ever the practical one, asked, "But what about you, Nina? It's one thing to be supportive, but what about your dreams, your ambitions? It's not just Enzo's journey."

I smiled, trying to mask the whirlwind of emotions threatening to surface. "It's okay, Jess. Enzo and I are in this together. We'll figure things out. He has his dream to chase, and I have mine here."

Lori took a step closer, her voice dripping with concern. "Nina, you've always been the strong one among us. But remember, you don't always have to be. If you ever need to lean on someone, to talk, we're here."

The tenderness in her voice, the genuine care, nearly broke me. It was at moments like these that I realized how fortunate I was to have friends like Lori and Jessica. Friends who saw past my brave facade, recognizing the vulnerability that lay beneath.

Jessica, nodding in agreement with Lori, added, "And Nina, please tell me you've thought about therapy. We're worried about you, especially now."

Her words caught me off guard. Everyone seemed to keep bringing up the idea of therapy, but I didn't want to go. was fine on my own; I didn't need it. And besides, after the school therapist, Edward, turned out to be a raving lunatic, I wasn't so keen on opening myself up like that to a stranger again.

maybe a

realizing she might have pushed a boundary. "I'm not

you," Lori

trying to control the rush of emotions. "I appreciate the concern, really. But right

touch warm and comforting. "We just

at bay. "Thank you, both of you. It means the world to

continued, "Now,

and with a mutual nod, they stepped aside, letting

the cool night air embracing me as I stepped into the garden.

arms around him from behind. He leaned into the embrace, and I could feel his heartbeat hammering through his ribcage, a steady rhythm that had been my anchor through thick and thin. *You did the right thing," I whispered, turning him around to look into his eyes. "This will be good for you." He smiled weakly, but before he could respond, the door creaked open, and Matt stepped out. *Enzo," he began, his voice shaky, "I can't believe you're leaving us. We won't

a smile playing on his lips. "That's where you're wrong,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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