Chapter 0475


"Nina, you need to tell me what's going on."

In the aftermath of my mad dash to the bathroom, Enzo's concerned voice hung in the silent air.

The weight of everything was pressing down on me, the silence only punctuated by the sounds of the birds outside and the ocean below. My eyes flitted from Enzo's concerned gaze to the overturned plate, scrambled eggs and toast forming a mushy mosaic on the white bedsheets.

"It's nothing," I said quickly, my heart racing as I grabbed a handful of tissues from the bedside table. I bent down to clean the mess, hoping my movements would distract him from the question. "I'm really sorry about the mess, Enzo. And your hard work went to waste. I'll take us to the diner this morning to make up for it if you'd like."

His face remained unreadable as he picked up the empty plate and set it on the nightstand. "It's not about the mess, Nina. It's about you. Are you sick?"

I shrugged. "Maybe," I replied. "The smell of the eggs just got to me, that's all."

Enzo made a face, but said nothing. I knew that he was onto me; I loved eggs. It wasn't like me at all to turn down a warm plate of scrambled eggs and bacon, and yet here I was, turned off by the smell for the second day in a


I finished mopping up the last of the eggs and tossed the tissues into the wastebasket, then looked up at him, just wanting to change the subject. "So, do you still want to spend the day with me? Or have I completely ruined the mood?"

didn't quite reach his eyes. "Of course I want to spend the day with you. But not if I'm worried that something's going on with you that you're

just not feeling the best," I said, maybe a little too defensively. "The smell of eggs has been bothering

the room back to the bathroom, where I pulled my toothbrush out of the medicine cabinet and began to scrub away the remnants of my morning escapade. However, it wasn't long before

folded his arms across his chest, his eyes narrowing. "You must think I'm a fool if you think I buy that explanation for one second. I know you, Nina. Something else is going

back a little more harshly than I intended. "I don't know why

the sheets.

making me instantly realize the absurdity of my lame excuses. I sighed deeply, pressing my hands into the bathroom counter and finally meeting

softly. "I don't think it requires much perception when my wife is running to vomit first thing in the

that he had been trying to mask with his calm demeanor. The realization struck me: there was no hiding from Enzo, and maybe there shouldn't be. Jessica and Lori were right; I couldn't handle this on my

voice laced with a mixture of regret and relief. The words were like a dam breaking, releasing a torrent of hidden emotions. "But I don't know for sure. I

back, his face going through a myriad of expressions: shock, hurt, and finally, resignation.

didn't tell me sooner? How long have you been dealing with

eyes downcast, avoiding his penetrating gaze. "I'm sorry. I

practically forcing me to look up at him. "Nina, you're my wife," he began. "I'm not too mad since you say you only just started having suspicions

murmured. "It's just...I didn't want to ruin your dreams. You've been offered that coaching position, and you've been so excited about

make if that's what I want to do. It's not fair for you to keep something

with Lori and Jessica the night before flickered through my mind. The concept of a secret abortion had wandered occasionally through

asked, as though reading my mind. "I would have found out

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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