Chapter 0485


The sterile smell of antiseptic solution filled the air. The hospital lights overhead were blinding, casting everything with a whitish glow.

As I lay there on the hospital bed, shivering in that awful, open-back gown with an IV poking out of my arm, I couldn't shake off the sense of dread that had overcome me since the moment I set foot in this place.

Finally, a young doctor walked in. Her white was coat pristine, and there was a clipboard in her hand. She looked like she hadn't slept in days, but her eyes were filled with sincere compassion.

*First and foremost," she began, her eyes flitting up to me from her clipboard. "Mrs. Rivers, the tests came back positive. You're pregnant."

I felt time stop for a beat. "Pregnant?" I blurted out. "But I took pregnancy tests-"

*False negatives are not uncommon," she interrupted, shooting me an empathetic glance.

There was a heavy pause in the room. Pregnant... All at once, I felt angry, sad, baffled, and so, so alone without Enzo by my side. I felt as though my body had lied to me, thrown me for a loop, and taken me on this gut-wrenching journey without my consent.

"But," she continued, "that's not all. More conclusive tests may be necessary, but I suspect that your pain might be from endometriosis. Have you been diagnosed before, or had any issues with your menstrual cycle?"

shook my head. I knew a lot about endometriosis from my classes,

a way," I said thoughtfully. "My cycle was bad when I was younger, so I've been on birth control pretty much since I started getting my period. I

nodded slowly. "The right birth control can be a life saver-more metaphorically than literally-when it comes to endometriosis. But the pregnancy is exacerbating your symptoms. It's no wonder you're having intense

mean?" I asked, feeling my

said with a sigh, "it could make for a very difficult pregnancy, especially in the first trimester. Your chances of miscarrying will be naturally higher, especially right now

again, trapped in the maze of

to Enzo, to hear his voice, to find solace in his strength, but I also couldn't bear the idea of sharing news like this over a

drifted to the clock, I realized it was nearing 4 AM. The perfect time for world-shattering revelations. The night dragged on endlessly. Each tick of the clock on the wall seemed to echo in the dimly lit hospital room, a constant reminder of the gravity of my situation. Nurses came in and out, administering medication, asking if I was okay-as if 'okay' was a state of being could even

the window. "We've managed to manage the pain with medication. You'll need to consult a specialist

and pamphlets. My wolf growled softly in

you were right," I muttered to myself as I changed back into my sweatpants and hoodie, suddenly feeling surprisingly awake for someone who had slept all of thirty

air was refreshingly chilly, a crisp contrast to the stifling

to last night's chaos. In fact, I remembered that I had been so out of it that I barely even recalled parking

the storm of emotions whirling around in

could take off, I froze, and found myself slipping my phone out of my pocket, navigating to Enzo's contact page. My finger hovered over the call button as a whole host of conflicting emotions wrestled inside of me. But finally, I pressed it and raised the phone

felt like an eternity, only to abruptly

my eyes, an emotional

trailed off for a moment as though my tongue refused to utter what I should have said: the truth. But for some reason, I found myself doing the exact opposite of that. "I'm just

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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