Chapter 0498


I hung up the phone with my mother, and a newfound revelation began to wash over me.

Maybe my mother was right; maybe I could do this after all. Maybe it would be difficult, and maybe there would be a lot of late nights spent awake, a lot of exhaustion, a lot of worries. But I think that I knew what I wanted now, what I had wanted for a long time.

I kept thinking back to that young mother in the park. She could have only been about my age, in her early twenties, but she looked so happy with her little toddler. Of course there were, without a doubt, plenty of struggles in her life when it came to being a young mother. But at the same time, the joy in her eyes was almost palpable.

I wasn't quite ready to admit that to myself, but I knew that I wanted that. Finding out that I was pregnant after all, after my disappointment, felt like a second chance.

And no, I wouldn't need to give up on my dreams. Neither would Enzo. I was certain that we could make it work no matter what.

In the span of that short conversation with my mother, the future became clear to me. Maybe it wasn't the most perfect decision that I could have made, but I made my decision about the pregnancy nonetheless.

I couldn't wait to tell Enzo. No more lingering doubts, no more internal debates; I knew what I wanted now.

Not even five minutes had passed before the low rumble of a motorcycle pulling into the driveway interrupted my thoughts. Enzo was home.

Eager, I swung open the front door even before he got a chance to turn the knob. But as soon as I saw his face, a serious mask that I couldn't quite decipher, my stomach dropped.

masking my emotions

quietly, clearly not sharing my enthusiasm. I watched for a few moments as he brushed past me and into the kitchen, where he kicked off

Saw what looked like Edward in a pickup truck. I tried following him, but I lost

first instinct was to play dumb, to protect him-and maybe myself-from the harsh reality. But then he continued before I could utter a

bother lying. I talked to Luke

weight of my deception becoming too much to

eyes narrowed slightly. "How long have you known? And why

want to ruin that night for you. And then-then this whole pregnancy thing

eyes darkened, disappointment clouding his features. "Nina, we've been through this.

his words. "I messed up. With this and the

but the disappointment remained. "But Nina, being lost doesn't mean you have to go it alone. You

eyes welling up with tears that I refused to let fall. "You're

he didn't move to comfort me. The gap between us felt like a growing chasm, and I felt like it was all my fault; all thanks to my

Enzo said quietly, leaning against the kitchen counter." It's

"I know.

going to say: ever since... well, everything, I had been growing more and more reluctant to talk about things. It was as if I thought it was best to deal with everything internally, to not burden anyone else

My decision about the pregnancy still loomed large in my mind, and I was

in his gaze.

bit my lip, glancing at the flickering flame of the nearby vanilla-scented candle, its soft

constant presence in the background of my thoughts, pushing her way to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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