My Hockey Alpha Chapter 201



That night, I ran into Eli. Although our conversation was brief, it told me all I needed to know.

As I looked at him, his appearance began to morph once more into Enzo’s. His eyes became the soft brown color I had grown to love, his hair became curly and brown, and his face morphed into the handsome, sharp appearance I had become so familiar with over the past few months.

Maybe Selena really was pulling some sort of prank on me. Maybe these two new transfer students weren’t actually Selena or Enzo, but were in fact actors who had some sort of spell put on them to make me think that they were Selena and Enzo. That would be the most logical explanation.

But the way that “Sadie” glared at me through the window — Enzo’s window, for that matter — that night, the way that she threatened me in the bathroom at the dance a couple of nights before, and the way that Eli looked at me, all made me think otherwise.

In my eyes, Selena and Enzo were right here in Mountainview. Selena put some sort of spell on them to hide their appearances, and she also put some sort of spell on Enzo to make him forget me. But I knew that I could make him remember if I could only have enough time alone with him without Selena interfering.

And it wasn’t just that; when I looked at “Eli”, and when he began to morph into Enzo that night, I could have sworn that I felt a tiny flicker of my wolf returning. It was faint, and it only lasted for a split second, but I knew she was still there. She was alive, but dormant. To me, that was the perfect proof that this new transfer student was in fact Enzo. If he wasn’t, why would my wolf have reacted to his presence?

because they weren’t Enzo’s fated mate like I was. He likely also had some sort of spell on him to cover up his true scent as well, which meant that the hockey team wouldn’t be able to tell it was

But how?

classes were supposed to be back in session. It was a Monday morning, and although I had hardly slept at all the night before, I felt excited over two things: my conversation with “Eli” the night before, as well as the sense

got ready for class that morning with the intention of trying to find “Eli” afterwards. After staying up all night, I had come up with a plan to try to separate him from “Sadie” and try to talk to him privately. I was certain that I only needed a few minutes alone with him

first class in weeks and sat down, only to see none other than “Sadie” herself walk in and sit down

was not a student anywhere. I couldn’t help but wonder if she did something such as paying the dean

couldn’t deny the feeling of her hateful eyes occasionally resting on me or the

my head up and focused on getting through class. Maybe this could be a good thing; maybe I could follow her after class

each other about this new “mystery student” and how “wealthy she must be”, but I didn’t care about any of that. Quickly, I

to the parking

course, “Eli” was waiting

waiting for her on a motorcycle.

only solidified my theory. I watched from afar in horror as she sauntered up to him and kissed him deeply before she climbed onto the back. Tears

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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