Chapter 422

The Seafood Allergies Raising the glass to shield her own curled-up lips, Genevieve desisted with her own nosiness.
Soon after, the server brought up a plate ofcrab. From the looks of it, Genevieve adjudged that it must be rather delectable.

Yet, she demonstrated no intent to tuck into it. Incidentally, Jan noticed that.

He took it upon himself to say, “Would you like me to deshell it for you, Ms.Rachford?”
“No, it’s fine.” Genevieve shook her head smilingly.

“That sort of stuff will only be enjoyable when it’s done by one’s own beloved.”
Eyeing the crab on the plate, Sylvie became tempted to provea point to Genevieve.

said, “I’d like to try the crab, Mr.Faulkner, but my

help deshell one for me?” In the last four years, it had been common knowledgewithin the business circuit that not only did Armand have Sylvie brought along for events of all sorts, but he would also be very obliging toward her every whim. Word had it that Armand had once splurged eight hundred million for a diamond necklace the minute it caught Sylvie’s eye at an auction. As such, how could he possibly refuse to help her with something trivial as the deshelling of a crab? “Sure.” Expectedly, Armand did not turn

chowder?” Astonished, Sylvie wanted to point out that she had no such allergies,but the sternness in Armand’s eyes sent a chill down her spine, prompting her to bottle up whatever she

Armand immediately summoned the server andasked him to purchase some medication for seafood allergies. None

the auction brought on stage when the performances ended, after which the compere would proceed to introduce them. The bigwigs were mostly at that banquet to raise their own profile and were not really all that interested in the wares that

shared the same table as Genevieve, won it at a price of twenty million. The masses turned toward that table in astonishment. That bigwig is wild! Doesn’t he know that Genevieve is Armand’s ex-wife? To think that he’d sit at the same table as Armand himself and acquire the violin

for your kind contributions to charity.” Jan seemed to have wanted to say something, but in the end, he decided against it and merely nodded in acknowledgment.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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