Chapter 416 Nothing To Do With You

sounded tired. “You may leave now. I’m tired, so I’d like to take a rest.” Steven parted his lips, intending to say something, but he eventually decided against it and left as told. Initially, Genevieve planned to head back during Christmas so she could spend the day with Johanna and the rest. However, she was forced to remain in Xedells after the kidnapping. A day before New Year’s Day, Genevieve and Jack went back to Jadeborough. Johanna had no idea what had happened to Genevieve in Xedells. After learning of her return, she invited Genevieve to have dinner before counting down to the new year together. Jack tagged along. Johanna loved the movie directed by Jack. She nearly fainted in excitement to see her favorite director. Jack beamed and played along when she asked to take photos with him and get his autograph. Soon, Johanna realized Genevieve seemed out of sorts. She then whispered something in Timothy’s ear. The four of them were having dinner when a bunch of girls rushed into the restaurant. The girls then surrounded Jack and screamed so loudly that the rest nearly went deaf. Johanna took advantage of the commotion and dragged Genevieve away to have a private talk with her. Once they fled the scene, Johanna told her, “I realized you seemed out of sorts during dinner as though you didn’t want to spend time with Jack, so I told Timothy to inform Jack’s fans that we’re having dinner at this restaurant.” “No wonder so many of them rushed into the restaurant all of a sudden…” Genevieve did not expect that her friends were behind this. “Thanks.” Johanna gave a dismissive wave. “Didn’t you marry Jack? Why do you look awkward with him? Is he too possessive?” she asked curiously. Genevieve didn’t want her to worry and shook her head. “He’s too handsome,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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