Cooper added, “But Jack’s parents died many years ago. I can’t find out who his parents’ relatives are, and I don’t know how he lived after his parents passed on. Later on, he returned to school with the help of the community and successfully enrolled in the University of Southern Saspiuburg with fantastic grades. I want to stay in Dartan for a few more days to see if I can find out more things about him.”

Armand hummed in agreement.

Just as he ended the call, the doorbell rang.

Steven was outside, holding onto his phone with an anxious face. When he saw Armand coming out, he immediately walked toward Armand and showed him the screen of his phone.

“Mr. Faulkner, please take a look at this.”

Steven had just received a video message from an unfamiliar number. He gloomily clicked onto the video, only to see that Genevieve and Jack were in the video.

Frightened, he quickly stopped the video and went to Armand.

Armand played it. A few seconds into the video, he narrowed his eyes and turned the video off before clicking on the link below it.

A live footage popped up.

the video, Genevieve was wearing an ashy

Jack, kissing him and letting him take off the jacket of

fair skin was


force sent a

Mr. Faulkner was not good at combat and needed my protection. Well…

and called out, “Mr.

divorced. How can I intervene

men in her room right now, I have no right to question

is in no place

Armand closed

only hold his phone and

divorced Genevieve. He can’t interfere in her life anymore, can

he was about to leave, the door in front of him opened again, and

room is she

her, and her soft lips

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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