Chapter 570 

Sylvie ran up to Herbert and wrapped her arms around his as she said. “Hi, Granddad! The doctor said you should go to bed carly, remember?” 

Initially, Herbert was going to yell at her, but her sudden display of affection and concern softened his licart up. 

“I got a call from Gunther carlier. He told me you hired a truck driver to kill somconc. Why would you do such a thing?” he asked while glaring at her. 

The look in Sylvie’s eyes turned gloomy when she realized someone had ratted her out. 


how much trouble you could bring your three uncles by doing

promised you wouldn’t do it again, so why did you go against your word?”

She contacted those people using my name and attacked Central Group with all sorts of scandals. Not only did she destroy the entire organization, but she also got Armand killed in the process. My entire life has been spent serving my country. I have never abused my power to do


photographs of mine a while back, remember? Someone took pictures and videos of me after setting me up.

bit down on her lip as she struggled to continue, “I couldn’t stand him blackmailing me like this, and I didn’t want that footage to get released as it would bring you and my uncles great shame, so I

so shocking. “Why didn’t you tell me about this?” he asked

it won’t affect you at all. I wouldn’t have done this if I had a choice, Granddad. Please believe me!” Sylvie sobbed while

know I love you too much to blame you for this. Don’t worry; I’ll have someone take care of this.

Sylvie said with a sniffle.

room long after Sylvic had gone to

asked his driver, “Juliana had always been adorable and gentle like her mother, so why did her daughter turn out to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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