Chapter 539 

Soon, the waiters entered the private room with all the ingredients. 

Joash, who took a taxi to Golden Restaurant, had also arrived in time, 

As he took his seat, he glanced through all the ingredients on the table. “Mr. Gable, you should cat more beef instead of potatoes and other fattening food.” 

Bruce shot him the side-eye, “Or maybe I should just drink water and watch the both of you eat?” 


“That’s not good either.” Joash chuckled. “The other foods are high in calories. You must watch your weight since you’ll have another shoot in Baykeep in the next few days. Oh, you need to stay away from sugary drinks too.” 

He then took away Bruce’s cup and replaced it with a bottle of mineral water that he had bought. “Here. Drink this. It has zero calories and sugar!” 

“And here’s yours, Ms. Rachford.” He took out another bottle from the bag and passed it to Genevieve. 

“Thank you.” Genevieve accepted it and remarked with a grin, “I’ve heard that celebrities need to watch their diet strictly because they have to maintain their weight. I couldn’t quite believe this at first, but after seeing how you treat your artist, I guess everything I heard is true.” 

“I don’t have a choice.” Joash sighed. “Certain scripts have strict requirements on the actor’s appearance. Having a puffy face during the shoot is a big no-no.” 

“You’re a responsible one.” 


S me 

a smile. “Besides, Mr. Gable offers me high

gave Genevieve a slice of beef that had been

seeing that, Joash shuddered.


Genevieve was stunned for a

started barbecuing another piece of beef. It was as if

fully air-conditioned, droplets of sweat still beaded on her forehead

glimpsed that Genevieve’s hair was almost brushing against the

he leaned over and whispered in his

his surroundings as he was

while, the waiter came back with

hold her hair with his palm, and helped

who was munching on her food, wanted to stop him when she realized what he was doing, but it was too late.

and the way he tied her hair reminded her

her hair when he tied it for her the first time. Genevieve even had to demonstrate

intelligent, so he


always turn her back to him and have him tie

he could also braid Genevieve’s hair. Even the challenging

felt an excruciating pain in her heart, and she lost

of her pallid complexion, a panicked expression crossed Bruce’s face, and he

in time. Then, the man

By the time Joash lifted his head, Bruce had left the room.

by her pale face, Joash immediately asked, “Are you feeling unwell,

right.” She took out the medication from her bag and popped

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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