Chapter 167

Jane looked at the screen, feeling a bit dazed.

Opening the viden, there was a gentle smiling face on the other end.

“What are you doing?” Dominic gently asked.

Jane didn’t say anything and turned off her camera. Dominic didn’t mind and continued to smile, his voice low and magnetic.

“I’m taking a walk in the courtyard.”

Jane was started, looking at the screen. The courtyard was really large, even in the dark night, it looked beautifully manicured.

Behind him were scattered mountains, with majestic buildings standing tall, and the sound of a fountain could be heard from time to time,

So, this was the place where he grew up…

It was really worlds apart from her residence.

Jane suddenly felt inferior, sitting on the window seat, her small hands nervously twisting the cushion beneath her.

Dominic couldn’t hear her voice for a long time, and the screen was pitch black, but he still felt at ease. Because she didn’t hang up the call, she was still listening, and he could feel her breath and heartbeat through the screen.

And that already made him very content.

Jane,” he chuckled softly, “What’s the weather like in Cardiff? Can you see the stars?”

Jane Inaked up. These days, Cardiff had been shrouded in mist, and the night sky was not clear at all Except for clouds, nothing could be seen

“Look at my side.” He raised his phone to the sky, and the vast starry sky spread out like a sea, the night sky ethereal and captivating. “The sky is beautiful tonight, there are so many stars!”

Jane couldn’t see clearly, but she laughed softly.

This man was really a bit childish.

“How is it over there…is it cold?” She whispered.

Dominic was taken aback for a moment, then smiled. “It’s okay, just a bit chilly in the morning and evening.”

“I see you’re not wearing much, be careful not to catch a cold.‘

“Mm!” He nodded vigorously in front of the screen.

can’t see these stars.” She smiled lightly, “But I can feel that

down and gazed at the Milky Way, “I suddenly thought


in love with a

her eyelids and remained silent.

voice gradually lowered, “When you fall in love with a flower, every constellation is a flower.”

pounding, and her little


my eyes, this vast starry sky is

sweet feeling overflowed from the bottom

Suddenly, a young man’s voice came from the side.

other end, Dominic’s heart tightened, and then

well? Why is your face so red? You look like a tomato.” Bailey started chuckling as he

hid her face in

in law? Why aren’t you talking to him? And why is your

Davis, get out of

want me to go? This is

like the sound of throwing cushions, and later on,

to get some water to drink what did I ever do to you? Ouch!”

in law, save

quickly snatched the phone and swiftly

screen appeared the face of a sunny young man.

my sister for so many days?” Bailey chuckled. “I

“What’s the good news?”

out of the

the normal

University! I got into the

smiled at Bailey’s news. She began to

bit surprised. After all, he was only sixteen

personally selected by the professors from Central City University. He passed all five exams, and he got the highest score in all of them!”

quite similar to him, outstanding In academics, and he had already entered a prestigious university at such a young

Bailey would be coming to Central City to study?

her mother alsa come

on the surface, but he was excited

me when the university’s registration day is, I

refused. “Actually, little Bailey is already a grown up boy. He should learn to be independent. You don’t need to bother, really! He will handle everything by himself on the registration day.”


evaded, “I’ll hang up first,

time to say anything when her

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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