Esther’s passing had a profound impact on Bradley. He retreated to the study, a room filled with Esther’s photographs. Each vivid image stirred within Bradley a haunting sensation, as if Esther still lingered, concealed in some obscure corner.

In his mind, she had merely hidden herself away, eluding his search forever.

Bradley had remained locked in that study for three days, neglecting food and drink.

Concerned for his well-being, the service staff had no choice but to call Mandy for assistance.

Mandy was unwilling to confront the grieving Bradley alone, so she reached out to Kevin.

Kevin was known for his tough exterior and soft heart. While he might have claimed not to care about Bradley’s well-being, he hurried to Warner Manor when Mandy called him.

Mandy and Kevin arrived almost simultaneously.

Warner has

Slade, I have no special relationship with

and kindly advised, “Mandy,

puzzled, as if she didn’t

trouble. I guarantee it.” Kevin wanted to mention Esther as a


remain silent. He asked the staff, “Do you have


restricted, and the service staff

brief moment of consideration, Kevin

provided Kevin with one, which he used to forcefully break open the study door. He didn’t stop until

lights and searched for a while before locating Bradley in front of the sofa, unconscious

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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