“She vowed to seek revenge and diligently studied overseas, only to receive unexpected news about her younger sister.”

Gabriel cleared his throat and spoke warmly. “Regarding her new identity, I’ll take care of it. Initially, I was concerned about drug traffickers locating Esther, so I created multiple false identities to confuse them.”

Observing their unanimous agreement, Agatha said softly, “I’ll be her mentor, teaching her medicine. We’ll reside in a sparsely populated town abroad, with vast areas where people rarely cross paths. This will aid in constructing her fabricated experiences.

“Moreover, during our time in prison, we had some instructors who imparted her skills. We can enlist their cooperation in this endeavor.”

Oliver added, “I’ll provide her with a place to stay. I’ll manage logistics, and I’m here to assist if needed.”

Gabriel glanced at Jasper and calmly stated, “We’ll handle these matters. You focus on monitoring Bradley. Don’t allow him to discover that Esther is still alive until we’ve completed everything here.”

Jasper asked, “What if Bradley finds out in the future?”

nothing more than the scoundrel

and material resources, the three of them prepared a new life for

hypnosis to suppress Esther’s original memories and unearthed her buried childhood recollections. She applied a specially formulated ointment to Esther’s body,

sparsely populated town overseas, where former inmates, who had once been Esther’s mentors,

the preparations were in place, Agatha looked at Oliver. “I’m going to awaken

never having felt so nervous, even more than when handling billion-dollar

transported to the small overseas town. She and Agatha were residing

and Gabriel, then nervously approached the slumbering Esther, played a unique tune, and whispered in Esther’s ear, “Esther, you’re now in a vast snowy wilderness, feeling very cold. As you continue walking, you come across a small wooden cabin ahead, with warm light

who bears a striking resemblance

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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